What about me?

this pic was taken 1/14/97,
a bit dark but, I'm trying to smile
...and yes, those are my real lips! *LOL*

this pic was taken 9/11/99, I've sprinkled a few more through out the site for now!

This might be more than you really want to know about me but,... you just had to click didn't ya?

I'm 24 if you're dyslexic, some say I only look about 28, that makes me smile.

*Drat!! It's been three years since I wrote this page. I can't use the dyslexia joke anymore!! On the upswing though, an 18 year old niece of my girlfriend thinks I look 26!! YAY!!

Fortunately I do have a young face, and it's not been terribly over-exposed to the sun so through genetics and common sense I've been able to stay relatively wrinkle free. I'm 5'14" and right now I'm weighing in at about morethaniwantoohundred lbs.

Well... I've carried through on my threat. I've finally gotten around to getting some fairly decent pics to post here. These are very recent; 9/12/99 to be exact. As usual, I've not drastically retouched them (except to fade a bit of electro hyperpigmentation). These still are not what I consider very good pics but they are probably the most comparable to what I look like in real life.

So... originally I wanted to put up this really neat site that would help TS'/TG/TV/CD's (and what ever additional ill fitting lable we choose) everywhere to get some modicum of useful information. Fortunately there are plenty of other sites (Andrea's TS Road Guide, Heather's TS page, Dr. Anne Lawrence, Jade Catherine, Robyn Shanor, Dr. Rebecca Allison to mention a few) that do that job better than I could ever hope. So basically this is a site that is comprised almost entirely of my own personal soapbox rants and other assorted babbling and *high-fallootin' opinions.

*If anyone actually knows how to spell this... you must live in the same town I do.

At any rate, with no further adieu...

My story is so familiar it barely warrants mentioning, other than the fact it took me this long to figure it out. I so readily passed as the 'big dumb guy' type without even trying that most of my friends and acquaintences never questioned my masculinity. Plus, I was able to over-act the part quite nicely, thinking that it was a lifelong requirement lest someone discover my awful secret.

In the begining...

The chase is on...

Update!... (new pic too!)