A Brief Introduction:

You may want to look at my 'What about me?' text before you go any further,... or not. One of the reasons I wanted to put up a page is because of my own experiences on gathering information about gender related disorders. It's not something I was comfortable with, and even now sometimes I blush when having to explain to someone exactly what I am looking for.

In the begining I spent countless hours agonizing over how to obtain it. Something you should consider dealing with right away is,... sometime, somewhere, somehow,... someone is going to find out about you without your knowlege. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you'll be able to get the help and information you need. The tricky part is buffering the guilt and shame associated with GID and moving forward. This help usually comes in the form of communicating with others WITH and WITHOUT Gender Identity Disorder, i.e., support groups (there are many), professional counseling, and as you move ahead, friends and family.

If you are afraid of ruining your life by having others discover your 'secret' you may be surprized to find (unless you are an uncommonly strong individual) you will probably ruin your own life by trying to ignore it and thinking it will go away on it's own. The sheer force of negativity this can have on you and your relations with those around you is astounding. I don't mean that you must reveal everything about yourself to everyone around you. There are certainly times you do need to be discreet. You've heard "The truth shall set you free"? Believe me,... it does, or at least it did in my case.

Update 5/5/97

As is normal for me, several months have elapsed since I wrote this, I've come back and read it, and now it sounds so staunch and serious. Although I want to be taken serious, I don't want people to think I'm a humorless, anal-rententive. I want to help out in the community as much as I can, but I think it is paramount to maintain one's sanity by being able to laugh at some of the crazy things that go on, including life in general, and especially within our community.

In the coming months I will attempt to put these pages in better order, with a smoother interface from page to page. Look for more photo's, more humor (contributions welcome!) more meanderings, and baseless rants.

Update 5/19/97
A bit about the verbiage I post here. I like to write. I like to see my words sprawled all over the screen, sort of like my own little motionless television show. It makes me happy to be able to go on without someone interupting me. It makes me feel important to have this little place in cyber-space, my own little soapbox with which to spew forth my junk. I am not claiming to be a writer by any means, I just feel that if someone reads what I have written and gets some amusement, or some helpful info from it, then great!

If you disagree with what I have written or something offends you, I apologize, It is not my intention to offend. I realize that it's very easy to anger some people with my particular opinions or commentaries. Please realize that I do not consider myself an 'authority' on anything, nor do I claim to be. Having said that, if you like something I've written, drop me a note! If you hate something I've written, and wish to discuss it in an intelligent manner, write me a note!

BTW,... I normally have an average to good command of the english language. I realize that my writings are permeated with spelling mistakes, grammatical and syntax errors,... yadda-yadda-blah-blah. I apologise for these things,... what can I say?... sometimes I type the stuff and put it up sans spell check etcetera,... deal with it!! ;)

Now that I've dispensed with all the apologetics, let's get down to business!!

Articles and other things I've written...

Living a Lie, or, Life is not dichotomous (and stuff)


Know what I hate?

Lyrics... Not Sappy!!!!... Not!

Great Adventure

I Wonder! (strange thoughts in broad daylight)

Another Analogous Ranting!...

Hey Queer!!!!

Suffering or Tempering?!

See Ya'!!!!