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Photo Album, what I look like, what some of my friends look like

Really cool math:

Logistic Equation and the picture on the right

The Three Body Problem, a menage a trois in physics

Chaos, and a pretty picture

These images were generated by iterating the logistic equation

zn+1 = k * zn * (1 - zn)

using complex numbers and plotting the results. Each pixel that was "hit" in the iteration was lightened, to produce the grayscale effect. The magnification is 200:1. I am not sure, but I think the chaotic patterns and strange attractors may be only a result of round off error. Even if they are, I still think they are pretty.

If you wish a copy of the source code, please email me. I will be glad to send it to you.

The initial values are

z = 0.5 + 0.1i

k = 1.1 + 0.698i

The initial values are

z0 = 0.7

k = 1.033 + 0.655i

Like the pretty pictures? Have you seen them somewhere else? I haven't. If you have, I'd like to hear from you. Please email me, [email protected]