Speak to the Mistress?

Come in number your time is up!

last updated Monday 3rd April 1999

Welcome to my humble abode. Bookmark here, because while everything changes, this page will be the slender thread which connects my realm to the real world. In reality of course caffeine is the slender thread which binds me to reality.

On these pages you will find pics of me (of course, after all we Trannies are Vanity incarnate!) and some of my friends on and off the net. I'll try to post up to date details of the clubs and events in and around London. If there's anything missing let me know and I'll see it posted.

So have a look around and see what you like. All comments are welcome, with the exception of intolerant abuse and two line offers of sex. I may be a tart, but I am a very selective one! ;-)