Main page
My story
My writings
Irks & quirks
Mail me
Slam Book
This page is all about me...what I like, what I'm like, what I do, and my friends--not that any of that interests you :)
Many have come here for advice, others on a curious whim, and some because I told them to :), but, hate mail aside, all correspondants have found something here that they really liked. Thank you all for your encouragement! and Glad I could help :)
Another goal of this site is to provide those who have recently stepped "out"; and those of you who are still buried under all those clothes with a collection of links where you can find help and information.
I have tried to include a variety of things here to please everyone. If you would like to see something here, or see something removed, write me!! I will do my best to please--after all, I am purported to be a good hostess ;)
It's FINALLY here! A picture. It's my senior picture from high school. That's about 5 years ago...but I don't look much different now (except that I wasn't wearing my glasses in this picture). Click
here to see it.