[10] "When Tony would lock the door behind me, he would NEVER slam it--he always eased it closed."

[9] "And not cheapo, store-brand aspirin, either--we're talking BAYER."

[8] "What do you mean, Was Dr. Jones cruel? It's not like he sang that "I Love You, Carly" song to me or anything."

[7] "On the second day he wheeled in a portable TV so I wouldn't miss a single episode of BLUES CLUES."

[6] "My contacts in Heaven even tell me that God still plans on allowing Tony in when his time comes."

[5] "And when I got feverish, he would tuck me in with the springtime-freshest blankets."

[4] "When it came time to feed me, he made the most wonderful grilled cheese sandwiches....and with those great Olestra potato chips, too..."

[3] "...Speaking of which, he was just about to allow me access to a bathroom when Jason found us."

[2] "He never ever used foul language when talking to the voices in his head."

[1] "He even offered me a free haircut."

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