[10] TITANIC: Theme song with the word "Heart" in title played at film climax.
GH: Theme song with the word "Heart" in title played by a guy on sax.

[9] TITANIC: Rose's fiance freaks out, tries to sneak off ship with a baby in tow.
GH: Carly's ex-fiance freaks out, tries to sneak out of town with a baby in tow.

[8] TITANIC: Hot sex on big boat.
GH: Hot sex on rubber raft.

[7] TITANIC: The unsinkable Molly Brown.
GH: The unbeatable Sarah Brown.

[6] TITANIC: Featured the Heart of the Sea, a diamond which people dived for.
GH: Featured the Ice Princess, a diamond which people died for.

[5] TITANIC: State-of-the-art special effects used to simulate luxury liner hitting iceberg and breaking in half.
GH: State-of-the-art special effects used to hide pregnant actresses behind ferns and handbags.

[4] TITANIC: Crazy, driven teens who steal romantic moments.
GH: Crazy, driven teens who steal English tests.

[3] TITANIC: Holes in hull gradually sink ship.
GH: Holes in plot gradually sink Mac/Tess storyline.

[2] TITANIC: A young blonde named Jack gets lucky, wins passage on boat.
GH: A young blonde named Lucky gets packed, visits Mama Cass on boat.

[1] TITANIC: Crowds panic when luxury liner bottoms out.
GH: Brenda panics when eyeliner runs out.

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