[10] Felicia catches Sean Donnely on the Home Shopping Network trying to unload the Aztec Treasure.

[9] Casey the Alien returns as a Chippendale's stripper, complete with a g-string that has "Be Good To One Another" embroidered on the front.

[8] Madman Kevin O'Connor comes back from the dead to terrorize Bobbie, perhaps the only character left who would possibly recognize him or give a hoot about him. With Bobbie preoccupied by the Carly stuff, he gets bored and switches over to "Port Charles" to find Lucy.

[7] In the midst of a shopping spree, Brenda uses her charge card to buy new law school books for Scotty, triggering an argument between the two.

[6] Tanya shows up alive, only to be run down in the street moments later by rookie psycho Tony.

[5] The evil Mr. Woo kidnaps Robin. No demands, really. No black pearls. Just for the fun of it. The evil Mr. Woo later receives a commendation from the mayor.

[4] Grant Putnam's sinister rottweiler, Satan, breaks out of Joliet Canine Kennel Prison, and terrorizes Gatsby.

[3] Madame Maia shows up in Port Charles, confirms that her original storyline with Damian and Lucy had no point whatsoever, then leaves.

[2] Ginny Webber hosts a new version of the "TEEN TIME" music video show, except this one only plays "Me Loving You Loving Me", interspersed with thoughts by Sarah on how Nikolas would hold a pencil a certain way, or tie his shoes a certain way...

[1] Terry Brock is seen sleepwalking through the brownstone living room at midnight while naked, carrying a knife, and singing "His Way Is My Way". Murderous carnage ensues.

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