[10] Uses coffee tables for....(gasp!)....magazines and drinks! SITS ON CHAIRS!

[9] When waving to her from a crowd, flash the "peace" sign and she knows you're thinking of her.

[8] She knows how to score some weed (useful for GH fans on Friday nights after too many Katherine/Stefan scenes).

[7] Knows how to throw together a makeshift fingerprint kit from some loose confectioner's sugar, a makeup brush and a keychain flashlight.

[6] You need look no further than the permanently-embedded boot marks on Rivera's guards' butts.

[5] She has more intact limbs than that "other" famous Venus.

[4] Rumor has it she used to go "commando" underneath that stuffy state trooper uniform.

[3] While she easily runs an impromptu trace on a phone call, most other Port Charles chicks still have "12:00" forever flashing on their VCRs.

[2] Able to spot an imposter posing as her landlord from 150 yards away.

[1] Because frankly her twin sister W. is a real bitch!

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