[10] She's a few recasts short of a Dawn Winthrop....

[9] She's not exactly the tallest supermodel on the runway....

[8] She's got her s'mores over the fire, but the chocolate just ain't melting....

[7] Her Jax Fragrance bottle is full, but it's only a "tester"....

[6] Her Faberge Egg is intact, but there's no microchip inside....

[5] Her elevator doesn't go all the way to Jax's penthouse....

[4] She's a few sandwiches short of a picnic....a picnic in the countryside....with Sonny....Sonny....the one who left her at the altar....evil evil Sonny....the one who stole all her money!....the one who made the bulb burst at the shoot!....evil EVIL SONNY!!....he will die!!!....everyone must DIE!!!....kill with the scissors kill with the scissors kill with the scissors KILL KILL KILL!!!!....

[3] The legs of her tripod aren't quite 100% straight....

[2] She's a few Coreys short of a 1980s movie....

[1] She's got the Nancy Drew bookcase, but most of the shelves are empty....

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