(10) Being tricked into thinking that his lover, Katherine, is his half-sister.

(9) When Nikolas locks himself in his bedroom for hours on end with several copies of Jax Fragrance magazine ads.

(8) Watching Alexis make goo-goo eyes at Ned, his business rival. Especially when she has her hair brushed that certain way...and her lips make that tiny, sexy smirk...and he sees that hint of cleavage as he spies on them from behind the velvet drapes...Mmmm, why doesn't she look at HIM that way?...

(7) Sunlight.

(6) The inevitable wisecracks from the staff when he walks around the castle in his old, holey Levi's blue jeans.

(5) That meddlesome Victor Kiriakis.

(4) The way Luke occasionally snuffs out his cigar in his goatee.

(3) The way the Spoon Island launch operator likes to crank the boat at high speeds and shout, "Dude, this is just like a rescue on BAYWATCH!"

(2) The humiliating, yet necessary, bare-bottom spankings from Mrs. Lansbury when he doesn't finish his eye-of-newt casserole at dinner.

(1) After seeing his TIMORIA thwarted by Luke, having to then sit idly by and watch some 14-year-old computer geek from Iowa trigger the October 1997 stock market crash with a few button presses on his Sony PlayStation.

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