(10) "BRENDA"....Wear really long sleeves, sit on the host's coffee table, don't let yourself be alone for a single moment, and be SURE to leave with a different guy than who you arrived with.

(9) "GINA"....Offer to co-host the party, but never actually show up.

(8) "KATHERINE"....Liven up the party by tumbling down the stairs every chance possible (wear protective padding underneath your navy power suit).

(7) "LUCKY"....Flannel shirt, wet finger, light socket. 'Nuff said.

(6) "ALAN"....Start off looking dapper in a suit, but gradually mess up your hair, loosen your necktie and apply fake "sweat" to your forehead, all the while popping fistfuls of M&Ms into your mouth.

(5) "AJ"....Arrive at the party in a laundry cart, and bring lots of workout towels to fold over and over.

(4) "JASON"....Have the local Kinko's prepare a life-size cut-out from a picture of you, prop it up in the corner of the room, then leave.

(3) "ROBIN"....There are two ways to go here....Saddle shoes, pigtails and a parochial school uniform....Or a flowing black robe and a scythe, classic "Grim reaper" stuff.

(2) "JUSTUS"....Stop by just long enough for Wendy Riche to claim you were at the party, then vanish.

(1) "MR. MURTY'S STOLEN ENGLISH TEST"....Wrap yourself in a white bedsheet with scribbling on it, then watch people frantically attempt to fast-forward through conversations with you.

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