(10) Is Carly's plan to rub her tummy over and over until a genie comes out and grants her 3 wishes? Is that how she plans to survive this mess? BAD PLAN.

(9) Rumor has it that Jax's "KICK ME" sign has been upgraded to a permanent tattoo. Apparently the prop guys are kinda pissed, they worked hard on that sign.

(8) Now AMY has a cat, named Muffin?? Since when did "GH" get so cat-friendly! Will we get a scene with Muffin & Gatsby?

(7) Is there any chance that the genie coming out of Carly's tummy will be Genie Francis?....Nahh, didn't think so.

(6) Heavens to Betsy, what HAS Mrs. Lansbury been feeding Alexis lately? Cut down on the portions--She's almost looking, well, PREGNANT!

(5) REMINDER TO EVERYONE to stock up on Kleenex tissues--Robin is due back in late November!

(4) Isn't Lizzie FUN & SAUCY? And when exactly can we expect Lucky's head to come out of the sand?

(3) Um, if Alan is the one popping all the pills, how come Tony is the one acting all doped up?

(2) Did Keesha look all upset at the Outback on Friday because AJ stood her up, or because she sensed her storyline was rapidly coming to an end?

(1) I gotta tell you, if I was a little girl, don't bother getting me one of them snazzy Giga-Pets or Digital Doggies...just find me a nice piece of dirty wood shaped like a women's rest room sign. HOURS OF FUN!

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