(10) Apparently, Jason is involved with the mob.

(9) Jason lives a life of danger that she can never be a part of.

(8) She left four suitcases, five milk crates full of stuff and several garbage bags full of dirty clothes up at Yale.

(7) Carly used to do a heckuva lot more than hug Jason.

(6) Hanson is downright dreamy.

(5) Jason's brother sure looks different these days.

(4) Telling the "Casey" story at frat parties would probably make her more popular.

(3) Despite the similar spellings, wearing hair barrettes does NOT necessarily make one look like Brenda Barrett.

(2) No question about it --Emily "The Stilt" Quartermaine could easily kick her ass.

(1) Olin is never coming back, is she?

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