(10) Heaves himself down a flight of stairs, landing in the hospital withsome lame,sympathy-inducing head injury.

(9) Annoys Stefan until the Dark Prince tosses him around the manor like a throw pillow, landing in the hospital with some lame, sympathy-inducing head injury.

(8) One word: COMB.

(7) He could follow her to some ancient Greco-Roman ruins in their upstate NY town and barge in on an obviously private moment.

(6) He spews some really rude, elitist and arrogant speech, then smirks at the end--Sarah seems to dig that.

(5) Another word: SCISSORS.

(4) With the Cassidine weight room destroyed in the stables fire, Nikolas' muscles quickly deteriorate into fat deposits and he starts looking like Roseanne. Sarah suddenly loses all interest.

(3) Crosses over to PORT CHARLES briefly for a series of "Success Through Stalking" lectures from Kevin.

(2) Humiliates Nikolas in front of her with the old "My dad can control the world better than your dad" routine.

(1) Next time Sarah's car breaks down, he shows up on his Schwinn and invites her to hop on his banana seat.

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