(10) THE TIN MAN...Ruthless gum-chewing henchman for the drug cartel, he leaves behind foil origami figures. For some reason or another.

(9) REBECCA CHASE...The spurned nurse left the sleazy doc to die. Or is that not the whole story?

(8) THE SCARECROW...Easy to track down, though--just follow the trail of straw.

(7) THE COWARDLY LION...quite a pathetic hitman, doesn't really kill his victims, just kinda swats them with his "tail" (a rope fashioned out of yarn and stapled to his pants).

(6) THE CAT'S CRADLE KILLER...Engages his targets in cheery games of that Cat's Cradle string game, then strangles them just after showing them the Witch's Hat.

(5) MIRANDA JAMESON...She corners her prey, then breaks out The Jax Letters, and recites the victim into a cruel, slow death.

(4) DRAGO THE KNIFE THROWER...A handy patsy in a clinch.

(3) EMILY QUARTERMAINE...Dorman was merely the latest victim in her cross-country slaughterfest. You'll find Aunt Cory in a makeshift grave under Boston College's football field.

(2) THE WHITTLER...Not to be confused with Batman's "Riddler", this mercenary carves the most charming little elf figurines (insert your own Robin joke here) out of pine, paints each one individually by hand, then drives them into the victim's head with a rubber mallet.

(1) DOROTHY GALE..."Que Sere, Sera" was always one of Judy Garland's favorites!

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