10. The Mandees on Charles Street discovers that someone has slowly been buying up all of its extra-long-sleeved tops.

9. At the end of a Friday episode, the scene cuts to a dangerous arms dealer named Dante Esperanza, who tells his petite concubine, Glenda, that Operation Falcon is a go. Glenda, in turn, says with a giggle, "I have to pee!"

8. Jax's cleaning lady notices a tell-tale buttocks print on his coffee table.

7. Corey Feldman starts cruising Club 101.

6. A mysterious brunette is spotted setting fire to the facility where all remaining copies of Miguel's "Don't Stop Now" music video are stored.

5. A relieved Brandon, Jim and Cindy throw a celebration party at the Peach Pit. (Oops, wrong Brenda.)

4. Dockside Sporting Goods relaunches its "Our Rafts Are Just Really Big Condoms" sales promotion.

3. The Port Charles Herald stops running "Is Brenda Alive?" headlines.

2. Erica Kane breathes a sigh of relief because, after a torturous four years, she again is no longer the supermodeling community's shortest member.

1. The Port Charles mayor announces a new 30-day waiting period on purchases of camera tripods.

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