11. Port Charles hasn't had a sexy, eye-catching character named Angel since Angel Moran, in the late 1980s.

10. If the Quartermaine Mansion reminds her at all of the Playboy Mansion, and she finds herself getting REALLY comfortable in her surroundings... Well, let's just say the $$$ I spent on my high-definition TV will have paid off.

9. SARAH BROWN'S turn-ons: Teaching her daughter new words, studying f ilms' great directors, and giving her all to acting... ANGEL'S: Wet T-shirt contests, secluded coves at the beach and dark-haired guys who watch soaps and write lists that make her giggle.

8. Okay, so there's this crossover with ''Port Charles'' when, on a sweltering summer day, Angel goes to help Livvie (also played by a Playmate) wash a car. Things begin to get, well, playful, and...

7. Shaggy can now effectively promote his album and hit single with a guest appearance on a second ABC soap.

6. Now, every Wednesday the guys' (and a few actresses') scripts will feature a centerfold.

5. No real worries about her needing to take time off to shoot a film for Academy Award-winning director Robert Redford.

4. Finally, Jackie Zeman may have someone to back up her stories about what "Hef" used to like to do with grape jam and a trombone.

3. Heck, even a Hustler Honey wouldn't get confused by scripts that has her OWN name next to her lines.

2. Unless there's a pool of Jell-O nearby, GH's publicity department needn't worry about any on-set fights between her and any lady co-workers.

1. Just imagine the things she'll autograph at the GH Fan Weekend!

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