10. Any story that facilitates the extended vacation of fan favorite and multiple Emmy-winner Anthony Geary surely is well thought out.

9. GH hasnt had a truly fascinating murder mystery like this since, oh, last summer, when the Katherine Bell murder languished for interminable months before being painstakingly unsolved.

8. Laura’s reaction to ex-lover Stefan’s sudden death will surely... no, wait, Laura’s going to be gone all summer. Never mind.

7. Seeing Felicia deal with her new paramour’s arrest will... um, scratch that. Felicia’s going to be away, too.

6. Mmm, what's that in the air... Do I smell more air time for Chloe?

5. When Mac charged Luke with the murder of a man who had been missing for about the length of a baseball game - and without so much as a dead body for evidence - it became apparent that this storyline would be rooted in riveting, hard core reality.

4. The town of Port Charles will be shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED, when they discover that STEFAN ISN’T REALLY DEAD! This kind of balderdash NEVER happens!

3. As Chloe gets thrown into the front-burner frenzy, it wil be exciting to see how Jax will... on second thought, Jax is leaving the show, isnt he? Oops.

2. Angry, sorrowful scenes from Nikolas undoubtedly means Emmy-caliber scenes from Nikolas.

1. Juan can sing “Amazing Grace” at his funeral!

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