10. Shots rang out just as Justus confronted Dara about the location of the top secret Omega 7000 code book.

9. After her trip to Denver was postponed, Leticia nearly caught Johnny and Reginald in an embrace.

8. Jax had a dream about a giant, piano-sized music box falling on a prattling Chloe�s head.

7. In a tense showdown, Stefan confronted Nikolas about his new Italian bike-racer wardrobe.

6. Lu Lu told Laura, �Mother, I am befuddled by a flurry of inexplicable events. I�m not sure if my grief is merely embodying itself in some manner of ghostly manifestation, or have I really had visitations from my late sibling, Lucky?�

5. Helena sucked on Sonny�s nipple.

4. Seeing the pair of DVX assassins close in on Edward, Lila ended her charade by leaping from her wheelchair, subduing one of the operatives with a roundhouse kick to the head, then using his 9mm Glock to pistol whip his partner into unconsciousness.

3. Mac immediately reconciled with his wife after remembering what she looks like naked.

2. Three words: Juan got laid.

1. In the cellar hideaway, Audrey � aka DVX agent Aurelia Vladnodikov � warned Simone and Gina: �You ladies make me ill. All this talk from you of how the American way will always prevail. Ha! I laugh at you. I spit in your face. For I, now in possession of the Omega 7000 code book, have the final ace to play in this deadly game of � how do you say in America? � �cat and mouse.� For once, your government will know the pain of my people. I will have complete control. The American way, my poor, pathetic prisoners, will be MY way.� (Pause) �Grigori! Grease up the guillotine!�

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