10. That GH actually wins the Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Writing, based in part on the strength of the episode where Ned asked Chloe to marry him.

9. That every dance number at my nieces� June dance recital will be set to a song by Juan Santiago.

8. That Bobbie has �outrageous plans� for the upcoming bathing suit season.

7. That a miracle cure for brain tumors will soon make its way to Port Charles.

6. That at age 58, Ned will still be sporting the Dylan McKay sideburns and dressing up in leather pants.

5. That � now that I�m watching �All My Children� � the Alex/Anna storyline will necessitate the arrival of Robin Scorpio in Pine Valley...

4. ...and that Kimberly McCullough�s primetime pilot will be canceled � and her rent will be due � just as that time arrives.

3. That Lesley Webber has �outrageous plans� for the upcoming bathing suit season.

2. That one day an entire GH episode will be nothing but scenes of Mike and Sonny arguing over who makes better linguine.

1. That Rebecca Herbst will leave GH, Elizabeth will be recast, and as a result GH�s future will be reliant upon a love triangle populated by three actors who collectively don�t know a decent shortcut to the ABC cafeteria.

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