TOP 10 MOTHER'S DAY CARDS (2000 edition)

10. I know you, Dad and I are always disagreeing
And embroiled in some family spat
How about we pledge to be nicer to each other?
Does that sound good? Hey, I�ll drink to that!
� A.J.

9. I haven�t been the same son since I returned,
I�m sorry if you�re bothered by my presence,
It�s just that Helena�s done terrible things to my mind,
Like, for starters, making me watch �Bare Essence.�
� Happy Mother�s Day� Lucky

8. I hate you!
You left us, you snot!
All for Luke Spencer!
I hate you more than my braces!
� Maxie

7. Rae, I�ve been trying to locate you as well
So we finally can come face-to-face.
But I must say it�d be a whole lot easier
If you could manage to stay in one place!
� Your long-lost daughter

6. I�m just a toddler
So I think it�s funny
That I talk more clearly
Than your mumbling pal Sonny
� Happy Mom�s Day� Michael

5. Mother, I am appalled by your duplicity
And your malicious, ill-conceived stunts.
Yet the fact remains, that in our recent scenes,
I�ve had my best dialogue in months
� Stefan

4. Maxie said I should hate you for leaving,
But I refuse to play her game.
The truth is that I�ve always despised you
Ever since you chose �Georgie� for my name

3. After my rape and near-bombing, my beau returned from the dead
(Is that enough to make you say �Wow�?)
So don�t worry about me here, I guess you�re busy
(But, like, isn�t that Bosnia thing over by now?)
� Elizabeth

2. It may seem like you�re missing my childhood
Ever since you reunited with your Roy,
But don�t worry because, since I never age,
I will always ALWAYS be your little boy!
� Lucas

1. Although you�ve been gone eight years now, Mom,
I still think of you every day.
To escape these sad memories I now seek a new home.
I was thinking Pine Valley � What do you say?
� Robin

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