10. One of the best moments was also one of the first moments : In Las Vegas, when Ned planned to marry Chloe in a quickie wedding, but Jax and Alexis � that�s right, NOT Ned and Chloe � got married instead! Oops!

9. Seeing Jax pretend to be in love with Alexis, even though he really loved Chloe! That was classic!

8. Seeing Ned pretend to be in love with Chloe, even though he really loved Alexis! Hello, titillating irony!

7. Whenever Gertrude caught Ned with Alexis, or Jax with Chloe, such amusing phony explanations would result! My head was spinning!

6. Jax and Chloe romantically toured Italy together, in disguises that would seem to draw even MORE attention to them, yet managed not to! Wow!

5. Remember the time when we thought Gertrude was going to walk in on Ned and Alexis?? But by the time she opened the door, she actually saw Ned and CHLOE instead! Ned and Chloe is okay, since they are MARRIED! Gertrude was foiled! Utterly madcap!

4. Who can forget when Mike was recruited to romance and marry Gertrude?! But he DIDN�T! Havoc ensued!

3. For that matter, how about when Alan and Monica staged that big huge fight and planned to divorce, so that ALAN � who, get this, is already married to and really loves Monica � could wed Gertrude! But he DIDN�T have to! Whew, close one there!

2. Talk about even more delicious irony... Raise your hand if you were watching when Chloe � dressed in Alexis� coat, with the hood up for good measure � accidentally got run down by Helena, who meant to hit Alexis, but thought Chloe was Alexis because she had on her coat! I know MY hand is up!

1. And last but not least... Marveling at how much has changed since Mixed Marrieds began nearly a year ago (the sign of ANY worthwhile storyline). For example: Ned is now with Alexis, Jax has paired up with Chloe, Mike is single, Alan and Monica are married... Not to mention how it affected the OTHER stories on the show, by triggering Jerry Jax's exit, prompting Jason and Carly's break-up, and revealing major clues to Lucky's whereabouts!

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