10. OLD NIK: Armani.
NEW NIK: Banana Republic.

9. OLD NIK: “I find the musical stylings of this group 98 Degrees to be trifling, yet enjoyable.”
NEW NIK: “Dude, BOYZONE like rocks!”

8. OLD NIK: “Father, it is with much hesitation that I have opted to inform you of Katherine’s latest duplicitous act.”
NEW NIK: “Yo, pops, here’s the latest dish on that skank.”

7. OLD NIK: “Elizabeth, when I gaze upon your countenance, I see your beauty, yet also am reminded of my dear departed brother, Lucky.”
NEW NIK: “Hey babe, let’s lambada!”

6. OLD NIK: Hair In A Can.
NEW NIK: Salon Selectives Ultra Hold Styling Pomade.

5. OLD NIK: “This Juan character seems to be of compromised moral values, perhaps a threat to Emily’s safety.”
NEW NIK: “Hey, Juan-meister, gimme five up high!”

4. OLD NIK: "I wish I had listened to you and my father and never gotten involved with Katherine, but I did, and obviously it's my time to face up to the consequences."
NEW NIK: "I wish I... had listened to you... and my father... and never gotten involved with Katherine...but I did, and obviously it's... my time to... face up to the consequences."

3. OLD NIK: “Katherine, I shall always have deep feelings for you. You were there for me when others were not. For that, I shall always be grateful. Alas, now I feel that we should be apart.”
NEW NIK: “Listen, either show me the plus sign, or buzz off!”

2. OLD NIK: “Indeed, an executive position at an international company like Deception Cosmetics would seem appropriate, and befitting a youth of my maturity and intellect.”
NEW NIK: “I dunno, Liz, I thought maybe I’d try to get a job at that bulk candy store in the mall.”

1. OLD NIK: “Cassidine. Nikolas Cassidine.”
NEW NIK: “Call me Cass.”

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