10. For those long boring rides in the back of the Quartermaine limousine, where it's just her by herself behind the tinted windows, and AJ can only wish he knew what she was doing as a mild buzzing noise comes from below� a vibrating beeper, so he can page her to keep track of her whereabouts.

9. For those tortured evenings when she has Jason on her mind, but he simply isn't around� a cell phone to call him on.

8. For those nights when AJ is on a business trip, and she is lying all comfy in bed alone and stumbles across a wonderfully erotic movie on the Playboy Channel� a TV remote control, to flip back to some old VR TROOPERS reruns.

7. For those times when she is taking a private walk in the mansion's romantic and secluded Shakespeare Gardens, and is in the mood to make a little noise� a Sony Sports AM/FM Walkman.

6. For those lazy mornings when she wakes up a little early and wants to start her day off with some good vibrations� a Braun cordless hand blender, ideal for preparing omelets or health shakes.

5. For those afternoons when her fingers are feeling restless, and certain numbers are on her mind� a calculator on which to assess the family budget and tabulate Michael's trust fund interest.

4. For those summer nights when she's feeling warm in a way that no air conditioner can remedy� one of those handy little pocket fans.

3. For those all-too-frequent times when she's in a wickedly playful mood, and decides to go it solo� a Color GameBoy, with three game cartridges.

2. For those sleepless nights when she finds herself curled up on the Q's living room couch, with everyone upstairs asleep, and a cool breeze blows in from the terrace across her flimsy silk pajamas� a clip-on book light, so she can catch up on some reading and cure that nasty insomnia.

1. For all those other times� the Mighty Maverick 12-Speed JumboVibe 2000 with the patented FrictionFins.

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