(1997 edition)

(10) "Felicia......On this Valentine's Day, wherever you're walking, I will not be far, because I'm still, Kevin"

(9) "Tony......You make my heart do somersaults, our steamy tumbles drive me wild, but I hope you don't flip, when you learn I'm Bobbie's, Carly"

(8) "Laura......After all of these years darlin', I don't know what can be said, but one thing comes to mind, Did you gain weight while you were dead?, Luke"

(7) [Sorry, the Valentine from Justus to Dara that was here has been put aside in order to make room for everyone else's cards]

(6) "Emily.......You know I think you're real cool, and I like hangin' with you a lot, so let's make it a date, you bring booze--I'll bring pot......take it easy, Matt"

(5) "Miranda......The wet pulsating waves, making mad love on the sand, you would be my beachfront Valentine, if you weren't so bloody, Jax"

(4) "Sonny......Your power is sexy, the way you rule over the town, so this is my eternal vow, I'm gonna take you DOWN......Taggert"

(3) "Robin......Your wish is my command, I'll do anything you please, I wanna make your dream come true, so let's drive on out to Chuck E., Jason"

(2) "Monica......As older women go, you were one of the best, not bad I have to say, for a desperate hag with one breast......see ya in court, freak...Pierce"

(1) "Stefan......These things that I'm feeling, is it love I dont know, perhaps Cupid has shot me, (but at least he used a bow), Katherine"

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