10. For those long boring rides in the back of the Quartermaine limousine, where it�s just her by herself behind the tinted windows, and AJ can only wish he knew what she was doing as a mild buzzing noise comes from below� a vibrating beeper, so he can page her to keep track of her whereabouts.

9. For those tortured evenings when she has Jason on her mind, but he simply isn�t around� a cell phone to call him on.

8. For those nights when AJ is on a business trip, and she is lying all comfy in bed alone and stumbles across a wonderfully erotic movie on the Playboy Channel� a TV remote control, to flip back to some old VR TROOPERS reruns.

7. For those times when she is taking a private walk in the mansion�s romantic and secluded Shakespeare Gardens, and is in the mood to make a little noise� a Sony Sports AM/FM Walkman.

6. For those lazy mornings when she wakes up a little early and wants to start her day off with some good vibrations� a Braun cordless hand blender, ideal for preparing omelets or health shakes.

5. For those afternoons when her fingers are feeling restless, and her mind is a tad, shall we say, "preoccupied"� a calculator on which to tabulate Michael�s trust fund interest.

4. For those summer nights when she�s feeling warm in a way that no air conditioner can remedy� one of those handy little pocket fans.

3. For those all-too-frequent times when she�s in a wickedly playful mood, and decides to go it solo� a Color GameBoy, with three cartridges.

2. For those sleepless nights when she finds herself curled up on the Q�s living room couch, with everyone upstairs asleep, and a cool breeze blows in from the terrace across her flimsy silk pajamas� a clip-on book light, so she can catch up on some reading and cure that nasty insomnia.

1. For all those other times� the Mighty Maverick 12-Speed JumboVibe 2000, now with the patented FrictionFins!

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