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Letter from President

After peeking at my selections, be sure to search through Amazon's stacks to find the perfect book to inspire you.

Most of the books featured here at Creative Inspirations! are listed below as well as some other books in my collection at home (or soon to be purchased by me *smile*). Please feel free to write to me if you have discovered a book I should include. Right now I am reading these two books which I bought at

BookcoverCapolan : Travels of a Vagabond Country An Art Box Book
by Nick Bantock

BookcoverRubber Soul: Rubber Stamps and Correspondence Art (Folk Art and Artist Series)
by Sandra Mizumoto Posey, Sue Nan Douglass (Photographer)

They are great so far. I will tell you more about them later this year.

BookcoverArt & Soul 156 Ways to Free Your Creative Spirit
by Pam Grout

I just bought this book and may feature it in Spring 2001 (as soon as I've read it all the way through and tried some of the ideas.) Looks fantastic so far!

Here's how describes the book: "Takes readers on a year-long journey into their creative souls, offering a map for finding and expressing the art that dwells there. It encourages readers to recapture their authentic self that many abadoned long ago with their Crayola crayons."

BookcoverWriting the Natural Way:Using Right-Brain Techniques to Release Your Expressive Powers
by Gabriele Rico Ph.D.

This is book I talked about in many of the writing and creative projects here at Creative Inspirations! Dr. Rico outlines her concept of clustering and helps you see that writing can be a very natural expression for everyone.

BookcoverFinding Flow:The Psychology of Engagement With Everyday Life (Masterminds Series)
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

This is a wonderful book about finding meaning in small synchronicities. I read this book whenever I am travelling and I have also found it helps me listen/look more closely for recurring patterns in my life.

The New York Times Book Review: "Csikszentmihalyi eloquently argues that living fully in the here and now requires that one heed the lessons of the past and acknowledge that today's most seemingly trivial acts inevitably have an impact on the future." --Jacqueline Boone

BookcoverThe Artist's Way
by Julia Cameron review: "With the basic principle that creative expression is the natural direction of life, Julia Cameron and Mark Bryan lead you through a comprehensive twelve-week program to recover your creativity from a variety of blocks, including limiting beliefs, fear, self-sabotage, jealousy, guilt, addictions, and other inhibiting forces, replacing them with artistic confidence and productivity.

This book links creativity to spirituality by showing how to connect with the creative energies of the universe, and has, in the four years since its publication, spawned a remarkable number of support groups for artists dedicated to practicing the exercises it contains."

BookcoverWoman's Book of Creativity
by C. Diane Ealy

From the Publisher, Ten Speed Press: "By inviting women to accept and nurture their own inherent creative process, this user-friendly book offers guidance that can help to transform any woman's life from one of self-imposed limits to one of infinite freedom. Author C. Diane Ealy, PhD., familiarizes the reader with the roadblocks women have faced for years, and she provides simple activities, examples, and explanations that illustrate and nurture the formerly undiscovered holistic, "spiral" creative process. As the reader follows the instructions in the book, she will find herself experiencing new levels of joy and wholeness, tapping into her own creative abilities. Included are: --Letting Your Dreams Create for You --Quieting the Inner Critic --Learning to Change Reality --Altering Your Sense of Time --Becoming More Spontaneous --Becoming a Creative Problem-Solver --Loving Your Creative Self --Learning to Accept Nurturance"

BookcoverFearless Creating
by Eric Maisel

CLICK HERE! This book has been previously featured in Creative Inspirations! review: "Besides being a writer himself, Eric Maisel is a therapist with a practice centered around artists, writers and performers and has seen many of the demons that haunt the creative life firsthand. In this inventive workbook, he comes up with many exercises designed to help you blast through your own inertia and fear, to get you back to the typewriter, the easel, or on the stage where you belong."

BookcoverIf You Want to Write: A Book About Art, Independence and Spirit
by Brenda Ueland

Amazon review: ". . . . Brenda Ueland sets forth not just a philosophy about how to write or how to create, but also about how to live. Beginning writers will certainly be encouraged by Ueland's words, but even the most experienced have much to glean from Ueland's simple wisdom. 'Everybody,' writes Ueland in the opening chapter, 'is talented, original, and has something important to say.' Finding that something important involves embracing creative idleness ('the imagination needs moodling--long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering'), freeing 'what we really think, from what we think we ought to think,' and 'thumb[ing] your nose at all know-it-alls, jeerers, critics, doubters.' One must think, she says, 'of telling a story, not of writing it.' And when revising one's writing, she advises, 'do not try to think of better words, more gripping words.... It is not yet deeply enough imagined.' Finally, 'whenever you find yourself writing a single word or phrase or page dutifully and with boredom, then leave it out.... If what you write bores you, it will bore other people.' And just because If You Want to Write is passionate, sincere, and even spiritual, do not think it is not also witty. One footnote bluntly declaims, 'No doubt my terms would horrify a psychologist but I do not care at all.' Elsewhere Ueland titles a chapter 'Why Women Who Do Too Much Housework Should Neglect It for Their Writing.' Amen, sister!

BookcoverMother Plays With Dolls ... and Finds an Important Key to Unlocking Creativity
by elinor peace bailey

I have found that this book is not merely about making dolls. The writer, elinor peace bailey, talks about acceptance and process, and having fun! This book was a pivotal one for me personally. I do not think of myself as a fiber artist per se, but I found that through this medium I was able to begin exploring my creative side more fully in other ways. I am grateful fro that.

An Amazon reader from New Zealand wrote: "elinor's book wasn't meant to be a pattern book, rather a book that gives you the permission to submit to the creativity that may dwell in us but that most of us suppress while we live the tedium. Her creative writing and search for self is incredibly inspirational using the method of playing with dolls as therapy for alot of women, in particular, who may feel that they contribute little. I really enjoyed the profound thoughts and poems by a remarkable individual who obviously relishes in the unique qualities we all have as women."

BookcoverFreeing the Creative Spirit
by Adriana Diaz

CLICK HERE! This book has been previously featured in Creative Inspirations!

Amazon description and synopsis: "An art-as-spirituality sourcebook that integrates personal healing and renewal in a context of multicultural awareness, spiritual depth, and creative meditation--for artists and non-artists alike."

"A stimulating, art-as-spirituality guide that integrates personal healing and renewal in a context of multi-cultural awareness, spiritual depth, and creative meditation--for artists and non-artists alike. Richly interwoven with art exercises, meditations, and multi-cultural ceremonies and rituals. Four-color insert. "

BookRags : Making a Little Something Out of Almost Nothing
by Linda Allison

This book came out in the seventies and it was my FAVORITE book as a teenager! Not only are there some great ideas for recycling things into "objects d'art" it's full of stories and Allison family remembrances. There are lots of instructions for making cool things like: a funky "chicken" coat out of old tee-shirts; some plush velvet slippers; a rag doll; and magic wands. It is peppered with photos of the Allison sisters through the years. Okay, maybe some of the fashion styles are a bit dated, but the ideas are easily "upgradable" to suit the fashion mindset of today. This is a gentle, creative book, it's still on my shelf, it is well worn, and I still love it after more than 20 years, can you tell?

BookIf They Ask You, You Can Write a Song
by Al Kasha

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BookcoverCollage Techniques : A Guide for Artists and Illustrators
by Gerald F. Brommer, Gerald Brommer

This is an Arts and Crafts Editor's Recommended Book, 11/15/97:

"Rather than a project-driven craft book, Collage Techniques is an exciting presentation of the medium as a fine art. From the famous practitioners (Matisse, Picasso, Hockney) to the many accomplished artists represented throughout the book, the images are stunning, sometimes startling. A thorough coverage of materials, supplies, and basic methods lays the groundwork of the first section; chapters then focus on various types of papers, fibers, photographs, and technologically enhanced imagery that can be incorporated. The second section explores design considerations for various subjects (still lifes, landscapes, human figures, social commentary, abstract imagery, three-dimensional works). There are no step-by-step objects here, but instead an amazing collection of work that utilizes collage by bringing together painting and sculpture and provides colorful, inventive, thought-provoking inspiration for experimenting with the medium."

BookcoverCreative Collage Techniques
by Nita Leland, Virginia Lee Williams

From Booklist , 10/15/94:

"Collage is a versatile and dynamic medium suitable for artists with any level of skill and experience. Collage can be spontaneous and inexpensive when artists use materials at hand, such as magazines or newspapers, or collage can involve elaborate designs, precise detail, and exquisite craftsmanship. Materials suitable for collage are limited only by the creator's imagination and include papers of all kinds, fabric, photographs, and three-dimensional objects. Media such as watercolor, ink, and acrylics can be used to create varied effects and textures. Instructor, artist, and author Leland and her collage-artist coauthor Williams provide readers with step-by-step instructions for increasingly sophisticated collage techniques. Charts highlight recommended materials such as adhesives, protective coatings, types of paper, and supports. Numerous examples of finished collages are displayed in color reproductions, from homey family projects to beautifully textured abstractions. While Leland and Williams excel at covering technique and practical concerns, they spend some time discussing design principles and the matching of materials to subject or theme. This is as comprehensive and useful as a how-to on collage can be." Copyrightc 1994, American Library Association. All rights reserved

BookcoverThe Crafter's Complete Guide to Collage
by Amanda Pearce, Sally Burton, Stephen Butler, Gerry Copp, ni Davis

Card catalog description:

"The Crafter's Complete Guide to Collage covers all the main forms of collage, from the easily accessible paper and fabric techniques to the more complex photomontage, mixed-media, or computer methods. Whatever your preference, you're sure to find something to try and enjoy. Over 400 color photographs illustrate all the techniques required for each of the various crafts projects. And, even if you're convinced that you're not artistic, the straightforward, step-by-step instructions will encourage you and even inspire you to give your imagination free rein. Personalized greeting cards, fabric wall-hangings, pretty handmade boxes and books, and even a functional clock are just some of the many beautiful and easy projects included. And, each section also presents an inspirational gallery of finished works by accomplished collage artists. "

BookThe Art of Handmade Paper and Collage : Transforming the Ordinary into the Extraordinary
by Cheryl Stevenson

The publisher, of America's Best-Loved Craft Books , 01/09/98:

"Transforming the Ordinary into the Extraordinary

Learn how fiber artist Cheryl Stevenson recycles readily available free or inexpensive materials - including wrapping paper, postage stamps, puzzle pieces, and other two-dimensional odds and ends into breathtaking paper art.

Once you understand her simple technique, you'll be able to produce an amazing variety of beautiful handmade papers on your own and begin designing creative original collages. Inspiring close-ups of Cheryl's work, step-by-step explanations, and hands-on projects are provided to help you develop your own unique approach to handmade paper collage."

BookCollage Art : The Step-By-Step Guide and Showcase
by Jennifer L Atkinson, Jennifer Atkinson

Card catalog description:

"The beauty of collage art is its appeal and accessibility at every level of sophistication. Anyone from the hobbyist to the fine artist can use collage techniques to add creativity and dimension to their work. This book provides creative instruction and inspiration through a wide range of projects from eight collage artists. Provides easy-to-follow visual instruction for eight fun and creative collage projects. Projects featured employ a variety of materials, including paper, fabric, and found objects. Each technique is demonstrated by a top collage artist and is followed by an in-depth gallery of finished work. Includes information on materials, commercial applications of collage, and related schools and courses. Beautifully designed, this volume presents the craft of collage in a format that is accessible, informative, and inspirational for professionals and novices alike."

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BookcoverArt of Pilgrimage: The Seeker's Guide to Making Travel Sacred
by Phil Cousineau, Huston Smith, Paolo Coehlo (Afterword) Review: "Centuries of travel lore suggest that when we no longer know where to turn our real journey has begun," writes author Phil Cousineau. "At that crossroads moment, a voice calls to our pilgrim soul." Many have embarked upon a pilgrimage, but few have understood its mysteries and possibilities as well as Phil Cousineau does (author of Soul Moments and The Hero's Journey). On one level this is a highly useful guidebook packed with great ideas for enlightened traveling--tape recording local voices, music, and sounds; asking contemplative questions to waitresses and bookstore owners; lighting a traveling candle every morning; making an offering to the local deity. But most compelling is Cousineau's ability to expertly map the interior landscape of a pilgrimage--the sights that lead to insights and the borders that lead to breakthroughs as we trek the exterior landscape of our planet. --Gail Hudson

BookcoverSacred Moments : Daily Meditations on the Virtues
by Linda Kavelin Popov

Amazon Synopsis: "This day-by-day book of meditations helps readers contemplate the nature of virtue with the use of quotes for each day of the year. Pulled from the world's sacred texts and from the storehouse of wisdom of intellectuals, artists, writers, and philosophers, these meditations on the gift within are sure to inspire."

BookHidden Words of Baha'u'll�h

BookGleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'll�h

O Thou Kind Lord : Prayers & Readings for Children From the Baha'� Writings
by Baha'u'll�h

BookThe Baha'� Faith : The Emerging Global Religion
by William S. Hatcher, J. Douglas Martin

BookCreative Circle : Art Literature and Music in Baha'� Perspective
by Michael Fitzgerald

Laurie's Pick for Book of the Spring 1998 Season:
BookcoverWomen's Bodies, Women's Wisdom : Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing
by Christiane Northrup

"With more than 270,000 copies in print, "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" has emerged as a new classic guide to women's physical and emotional well-being. This completely revised edition offers solutions women trust for their most pressing health concerns. The book explores true contemporary medicine--bringing together the best conventional treatments and the full range of alternative therapies with the individual's own natural healing power."

"This guide goes far beyond standard self-help books [and] is as accessible as it is empowering." -- Publishers Weekly.

*The Empowering Women Gift Collection
by Christiane Northrup, Caroline, Ph.H. Myss, sus Jeffers, Louise L. Hay, Susan Jeffers

"Filled with inspiration and knowledge for women of all ages, this four-tape set includes empowering lectures by such motivational speakers as Louise Hay, Caroline Myss, Susan Jeffers, and Christiane Northrup. August publication date. "

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BookcoverThe Family Virtues Guide : Simple Ways to Bring Out the Best in Our Children and Ourselves
by Linda Kavelin Popov, Dan Popov, John Kavelin

Amazon Synopsis: "This wonderful book stresses 52 virtues--one for each week of the year--including trust, caring, humility, generosity, and excellence. Popov instructs parents on how to teach without moralizing and provides guidelines that can be used to gauge whether children have successfully learned each lesson."

BookcoverHello Molly!
by Cheryl Wagner, Cheryl Roberts (Illustrator); paperback

I include these 3 Big Comfy Couch books because my younger daughter adored the television program "when she was little". She's almost six now and has moved on to other favorites but we still read the Molly books at bedtime and have found them to be very reassuring.

This book talks about friendship and neatness. Amazon synopsis: "Loonette, a mischievous and energetic young clown, is feeling lonely, until she meets a a wonderful doll named Molly, in a heartwarming tale about the importance of friendship."

BookIt's Mine!
by Cheryl Wagner, Editors of Time-Life for Children (Editor), cher Roberts, Cheryl Roberts (Illustrator), Sara Mark (Editor)

Amazon synopsis: "Provides an entertaining lesson about the importance of sharing with others as Loonette's desire to keep a special new toy all to herself costs her the fun of playing with others, until Granny Garbanzo comes up with a solution."

BookWhere Are You, Fuzzy: A Book About Knowing Where You Can Play
(The Big Comfy Couch) - Cheryl Wagner, Richard Kolding (Illustrator); Hardcover


BookBrain Tricks: Coping With Your Defective Brain
by David L. Weiner

There is much to discover about our brains and this book offers a lot of food for for thought, including:

"Brain Tricks is based on what science and rational observation have discovered our lives to be. If the characteristics of your brain/mind are such that they will allow this evidence to be absorbed, the concept of Brain Tricks can work to elevate your perspective. You can begin to view the circumstances of your life from a galactic perspective rather than from the tiny platform of expectations that others have created for you."

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