
Isn't it about time you made the switch?

"The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none that does good." --Psalms 14.1, Revised Standard
Version of the Bible--

For now, this will be my page about atheism. In the future, I plan on having many more chapters to add to the whole idea, but for now, you'll have to be happy with this. At any rate, all that I ask of you is that you read the following ideas with an open-mind. If you do that, I'll be cheesed.

Atheism is a vague topic that can be defined in many different ways. Like many things, I see atheism as a personal thing that you need to find on your own. I also see it as something which I should let people know. That leaves me with the predicament of figuring out how to explain atheism to you so that you have enough material to work with on your own, yet not too much to feel brainwashed or something.

The way I see it, if I did that I'd be just as bad as any religious leader out there. So I'll simply try to lay out the basics of the atheism way of thinking.

To me, atheism means believing (for any reason) that god does not exist. This belief can come about in a number of ways. Some people are atheists because it makes their parents angry, or because they had a bad experience with religion. Some are atheists because they sat around and came up with the idea, while some do not believe in god because of something they read in a book. Any of these reasons qualify the person to be an atheist, yet some are better than the others.

This is much like the Christian who believes in God because their parents told them to as opposed to the person who believes in God because they thought about it for a while and they simply do.

In my case, I was sitting in 10th grade English class and I had a thought, and I "came up" with the whole idea. It wasn't something I really knew about, and I was surprised anyone else felt the same way. I figured that the best course of action would be to read some about atheism, and then think about what I'd read. So I did, and from there on, I was an atheist.

I think it is important to admit that you don't believe in god if you feel that way. There are way too many people out there who have been pushed into their beliefs, and they merely go along with them to please others. I have a feeling that there are a lot of atheists out there who don't admit it for fear of making someone mad.

The disbelief in god (in my case) comes from a lack of evidence. I have never seen god, I haven't felt god and I can't hear god. All I ever see is a lot of people talking about god. A lot of people talk about Santa too, btu I don't believe in him either.

The difference between Santa and God is great, though. While believing in Santa is harmless, and can only result in some stale milk in the morning, believing in God can result in a wasted life devoted to a fake idea, a lie. If you read my religion area, I'll go into that point a little further.

I have had many Christians say that they can't see the air, but they believe in it. This is an okay point, but it lacks some things. For one, we know air is there because we can feel it in our lungs when we inhale. We can see it move the leaves, and wave flags. We can't see god in these respects. At that point in time, the Christian usually says that they can feel god in them.

I think that feeling is the community feeling that people usually get when they are part of something. Just like junior high kids and fashion, the idea of god is a way to feel like you are part of something important. Believing in god gives you a way to think about life that makes it seem easier, and gives you hope and comfort.

I can have no comfort in seeing millions of people await heaven only to go to the ground where they rot. I have no comfort see friends devote their lives to a god that does not exist, doing things for him instead of for themselves. Think of the wasted hours spent in prayer, when you could be acting to change the matter yourself.

I just want to show you that there are options where we sometimes see none. Granted, the world becomes much more bleak when we realize god does not exist, but I think it is better to face the truth than hide from it. Ignorance may be bliss, but you pay for it in the end.

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