
Born in 1990 in Wisconsin on December 21 (Sagittarius)


If I Were A Human I'd Be . . .

. . . a goblin. Are goblins human? How about a gargoyle?


Things I Love

Butts, underwear, bones, treats, licking dinner plates, trips to Colorado, Tim Schmeckel (my favorite Uncle Tim).


Things I Hate

Getting my nails clipped, trips to the vet (but I love the ladies who work there!)


The Scariest Time in My Life (at least for my humans)

I was a pretty young dog at the time, and still didn't know my boundaries around our house and yard. One time in winter a man came to the door with a package. I also saw Ann out the window...she was coming home from work at the same time. Stan answered the door, and I went up to greet the delivery man, and then headed out the door to greet Ann, down the steps, and into the street and down the sidewalk! Ann started panicking, and since it was icy, she was having a hard time balancing as she struggled to grab me. I got a big scolding.


  This is during one of my trips to Colorado. We had stopped at an Interstate rest area, you know, the kind in Iowa that have art? As a dog owned by artists, I felt entitled to give my professional opinion on this particular Iowa sculpture.


Stupid Names My Humans Call Me

Squisher Dude Dopey Weirdo
Squish-A-Rooni Your Dude-ness Baby Weirdo
Stinky Doodle Happa Dog
Stink-Weiner Stinky Doodle Happy Fellow
Chucky Weiner Pug Doodle Spooge Puppy
Chucky Pug Diggity-Dog Biff Dog Pug
Puggy Bundles Pug-a-Love Swivel Butt

E-mail me at [email protected]

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