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Links - Table of Contents

This link list has grown from about 20 links, to hundreds. I divided the links by section, and each sections are divided into categories. I tried to make it as easy as possible, each link is supplied with a description.

I update the links every so often (roughly 4-6 months). At first it sound like a long time, but I've found that it actually saves me time in the long run. The pages age, and by the time I go to check on them, they're gone. If you have an appropriate link that you would like to send me, just send it on over. I'll review it. Basically I want the best of the best. There are so many stained glass sites out there, I want just the good ones. Or I'll take in sites that are rare to find, such as tip pages, or sections that need more of that topic. I'm always interested in new glass companies, and stained glass catalogs. If you have a stained glass message board, or free patterns, I'll automatically stick you in. I'll stick you into each category, separately, meaning you'll get more links to your site.

Since I don't update as often as I'd like to, it make take some time to put your site up or to correct an entry. Whenever I update I'll remove all the bad links, and update all the changed links. Anything that's new is marked as new.

Pages 1-3 are stained glass related. They cover everything from stained glass photo's to catalogs to free patterns. Page 4 has everything useful on it, dictionaries, maps, phone books, etc. Page 5 is all graphic sites, clipart, textures, and so forth.

Assume all sites have some new stuff in them when I update it.

Stained Glass Related

Links page 1 - Has glass companies, tools, and catalogs.

Links page 2 - Has stained glass photo's: panels, mirrors, boxes, 3-D, stepping stones, mosaics, sand blasted/carved, sun catchers and more.

Links page 3 - Has instructional guides, tutorial's, listservs, newsgroups, chat groups, Tiffany, and free patterns.

Non-Stained Glass Related

These are all sites that I like, and maybe you can use.

Links page 4 - Has dictionaries, thesauruses, acronyms, translators, special search engines, maps, phone books, and medical related.

Links page 5 - Has everything graphic related. Textures of all kinds, graphics, clipart, icons, animated graphics, and photo's.

Links page 6 - Computer Related Items: Computer news, help with shopping, many things. Currently it's still a work in progress, eventually I'll have all everything I want in there.

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Do I have any broken links? Or do you have a catalog that's not on my list? E-mail me... thanks.

If you have any comments, ideas or questions, please email me at [email protected]

Counter Started on October, 8 1997 (Just this Links Page)

Last modified July 11, 2001