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My adventures with the aliens

My Year-Long Adventure With The Aliens

I'm going to beat this little joke into the ground.

It started out as a little joke, something to say in between the serious stuff in my bio/resume. Until one day I visited Warner-Crivellaro, and someone said to me, "Hey Mike seen any aliens lately?"

I first had no idea what in the world he was talking about. Then I remembered the little joke. I never thought anyone actually read my bio, let alone remembered any of it.

So I decided to stretch the joke out as far as I could, and I think this has done it pretty darn well. Most of it really doesn't have anything to do with stained glass. There's only so much you can actually write about stained glass and aliens anyway. It's a nice break, so sit back and read. Then when your finished reading and enjoying the pictures; you can review the pages at the bottom of the screen and see the hidden jokes that I stuck into most of them.

Basically it never really happened, or did it? They really don't want me talking, but the truth is out there, and it must be told.

For anyone wondering, all the pictures were made using only Photoshop using a mouse. If anyone has any problems seeing the pictures let me know. I don't think PhotoShop 4 saves JPG files right. I know Corel can't see them although Netscape can. I don't know if other browsers can see them.

They Came
We Met
We Left
The Shrinker
The Alien Workshop
Alien Cutting
Laser Cutter
Alien Cleaner
Alien Computer
Looking Out of Alien Window
Human Operation
Cow Operation
Stranded On a Deserted Planet
Their Home
Marvin Martian Finally Arrested
Trying To Sleep In Alien Bed
Breakfast With the Aliens
Alien Bathroom
Mike Gets Key To The City
Plant Life
At The Circus
Aliens Play Golf?
Earth Bathroom
The Garage Sale
Risa - The Alien Half
Mike's Version Of Star Trek
The Spoo Ranch
Cruising To The Mall
The Mall Parking Lot
The Biggest Mall In The Galaxy
The Farside Of the Universe

This has been running for a few years now. I figure I'd point out a few thing about the cartoons that either no one noticed, or cared. I hid various things in each cartoon more or less, it's a part of my unique humor. In case your an active fan of the alien thing (and I know you are, your reading this aren't you?) I'll point out a few things in some of the cartoons.

These are a few things that you may not have noticed:

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If you have any comments, ideas or questions, please email me at [email protected]

Last modified November 7, 2000

Created on November 1, 1997

Started on 9-22-98