Family-Friendly Site
    This is the new code for the PenPal Webring. The other styles are still ok to use. I have had request to make the code not be so cute. Possibly more nuetual. Well Here goes!!

    mail2.gif (756 bytes)

    This Pen Pal Webring site
    is owned by Stormey.
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    Want to join the ring? Get the info.

    The Pen-Pal Web Ring is made possible by "The Web Ring"

    If you would like to check out other web rings to join, just scroll down this page. This a very good way to have your page viewed by many other people on the web... The Webring is a totally free service offered to the Internet community. We are a quickly growing community of homepages from all over the World who are committed to creating a new kind of Web community.

    The Webring provides the Internet community with a different way to organize content on the World Wide Web. (After all, endless pages of links and search engine results are only so interesting.) The Webring is a way to group together sites with similar content (or any pages at all, if one so desires) by linking them together in a circular fashion: a ring.

    The idea is that once you are at one site in the "ring," you can click on a "Next" or "Previous" link to go to the next site in the ring and--if you do it long enough--end up where you started.

    The Webring will do quite a few tricks, actually. People can travel a ring in either direction, either jumping to (or skipping) the next site or previous site, list the next five sites in the ring, jump to a random site in the ring, or simply get a list of all pages in the loop. Furthermore, the Webring system supports the operation an virtually unlimited number of separate and distinct rings, allowing the creation of hundreds--even thousands--of different "communities" on the web. And, best of all, t he Webring is entirely free!

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