Okay, here goes nothing....I am once again attempting to work on my homepage and am going to try and make it at least a little interesting...not exactly an easy task when you really think about it. As you can see by the title of my homepage my name is Judy...my last name is Geary. I am a 33 year old single mom of a 10 year old boy. He is the center of my universe and I am extremely proud of him as you will be able to see later.

I have met alot of wonderful people on the net and on my friends pages I hope to let you know a little more about each of them and some of the reasons I am sooo close to many of them although most of them I have never met. I hope someday to meet alot of them however for now I am just sooo very happy they are a part of my life even if it is only thru e-mail or chatting...*smile*

There are a couple of places I like to hang out on the net and can usually be found in one of them. I also hope to put up more links to things that interest me and links to places that can help my friends and anyone who may need to find out about some stuff that is important to me because of my friends. On my friends pages there are links to alot of other Homepages and each one holds useful information on numerous topics important to each of us in its own way.

I truly value friendship and family and as many of my good friends know I believe in helping anyone who needs help in any way I can although most of the time all I can do is listen and that really bothers me sometimes that I cannot help people the way I would really like to. I truly love each and every one of my friends and if it were possible I would give them the world!!!

Enough about me and my daydreams etc....truly boring I know and I wanted to make this at least somewhat interesting so....onto other things.....

One of my favorite things to do is lay out in an open space at night and stare at the moon and the stars!! I do some of my best thinking when I am staring at them on a clear night.....sometimes I even try on a not so clear night just for the quiet and solitude!!! Great therapy!!!!!

My Friends Page

More of My Friends

Who am I?

Graphics Created By Me

Ryan's Page

My Family Page

My Shelby Page

More about me and my quest for self discovery.

A Page dedicated to The Love of My Life

Please feel free to e-mail me with any comments or suggestions!!!

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created by ME...can you believe it?? I'm not sure I can!!!! Last updated 12/3/97