
Hmmmmm who is Judy Geary??? I have been asking myself that one question for years and I am very happy to say that I have finally figured out exactly who Judy Geary is, and for the first time in my life I am soooo very happy. It is such a total relief to finally be able to be me and to be so sure of who and what I am. I have always been so afraid of what others think of me and have lived my life the way I have always been taught I am "supposed" to be. Well I am finally fighting for who I am and I am sure I still have a long way to go but it is so very much easier to deal with once I finally admitted not only to myself but to the people I love who I am. I know that there will be alot of people who do not approve of the fact that I am a lesbian as well as a mother but I will always be Ryan's mother no matter what and nothing can ever change that and now I can be an even better mother to him because I am secure in who I am and my happiness with myself will help me to better care for him.

I am also very lucky to have someone very special in my life now who I love with all my heart and who helps me to believe in myself. From the moment I first met her I knew that there was noone else for me in this world....she is beautiful and talented and has so very much to offer this world. I know that no matter what she will always be a success and that one day soon she will have her own book of poetry out in the bookstores. I am hoping that one day I will be able to post some of her poetry here on my page because she writes so beautifully and I want to let the whole world see how truly talented she is. She is the love of my life and she always will be. She is my EVERYTHING, my heart, my soul, my be all and end all. She makes me so very happy to be alive and living on this earth and I thank God everyday for bringing her into my life.