Please fill out your site information in the form below

Site URL:
Site Title:

Copy the following html and add it to your own web site on the page that you want to be on the ring:

I would appreciate it if the page whose URL you submit on this form actually has something to do with suicide: either a memorial page or having to do with suicide prevention and/or resources/information related to suicide, rather than just the top page of your web site.
If you would prefer to just download the html fragment to insert in your own file, right click here and then select save-as and then click OK to actually save the file to your local disk. Note: Where it says id=1 in the html part, you must remember to change it to your own id when you get it from the webring server. Otherwise, the webring server will get confused. Thanks.

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This page is member of the Survivors of Suicide Web Ring (SOSR)

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If you want to request that your site be added to the ring, click

Member sites, to change your site info, click here.

You probably want to have your own copy of the "addring.html" file. If so, right click here then save as then click "OK"
You likewise should get the "changering.html" file, by right clicking here and following the same instructions as above.
Also, you may want to get the logo. If so, right click here and click on save as then click on "OK"

That's all there is to it.