You should see my version of Lights Out below.
It would appear as though you are not using a JAVA enabled browser. You will have to download one so that you can see my groovy applet.

The object of this game is to get all of the buttons to appear gray. When you click a button it will turn that button and all of it's adjacent buttons to the opposite color of what they were previously. If you want a random pattern to solve then just click the new game button. It maybe feasible that you might get a pattern that is not solveable, but don't let that bother you. Just hit the new game button to start a new pattern. If you want to start fresh at any time then hit the reset button, and if you want create your own pattern then press the Create button. By default, the create button will say "Create Off." That means that create mode is off. When you press the button it will change to "Create On." When you are finished creating your pattern then press the create button again and you will return to normal play mode.

I know that this will work in Internet Explorer 5.5 and Netscape 4.0. I don't know about any of the other browsers on the market including earlier versions of the afforementioned browsers.

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