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How could I have a homepage? I don't know HTML.

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I found Complaints Central

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When I say President Bush. You think:
The best president in the history of the United States.
An OK president, we've had better.
The worst president in the history of the United States.
It's too early to tell we should wait and see.
Weaseled his way into office by planting democrats in positions to create ballots that other democrats would be too stupid to figure out how to vote on, had the democrats that run the polling places prevent blacks from voting by giving them speeding tickets, then planted democrats in positions to count only his ballots.
Didn't Bill Clinton beat him in 1992?

When I say President Clinton. You think:
The best president in the history of the United States.
An OK president, we've had better.
The worst president in the history of the United States.
Hide your daughters, New York, Bubba's comin', and Hillary won't be around to contol him.
The life line for McDonald's.
Isn't she a Senator now?
Thank God it's over.

The Webmaster of Complaints Central
sounds like a total dweeb.
sounds like the coolest guy I know.
coudn't spel to saev his life.
is very opinionated.
is somewhat opinionated.
is not at all opinionated. You should meet my mother-in-law.

I had a problem while I was in Complaints Central.
If you checked the above box will you please try to explain the problem.

Please feel free to include any other comments below.

I don't know HTML is no longer an excuse not to have a homepage because Geocities has a variety of web page editors that don't require any knowledge of HTML.

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