The following is a list of many museums, cemetarys and war-cemetarys, memorials and related places. It should not be understood as a complete list. A Dutch friend has visited all that places, and provided me with the list. So, if there are questions to the list below, please contact Michel.


Located near Ohrdruf, Thuringia, Germany, and apparently built as a headquarters for Hitler, the presently available mapping of the tunnel system is:

Tunnel Map

This mapped tunnel system is about 1.5 miles in length. It was constructed by approximately 15-18,000 inmates of the nearby concentration camps Ohrdruf , Espenfeld and Crawinkel, from the Autumn of 1944 to the Spring of 1945.
Ohrdruf was reached by General Patton on or about April 11, 1945.
Persons accompanying him described far more extensive installations.
So Colonel R. Allen wrote in his book ("Lucky Forward : The History of Patton's 3rd US Army" ,Col. Robert S. Allen, published by Vanguard Press, New York 1947), that Ohrdruf was captured by the 4th Armoured Division, Combat Command A. (US armoured divisions had 2 "Combat Commands", "A" and "B". "Lucky" was the code name for the 3rd Army, "Lucky Forward" was Patton's mobile headquarters code name). There is more description of the tunnels on page 370:

"The underground installations were amazing. They were literally subterranean towns. There were 4 in and around Ohrdruf: one near the horror camp, one under the Schloss, and 2 west of the town. Others were reported in near-by villages. None were natural caves or mines. All were man-made military installations. The horror camp had provided the labour. An interesting feature of the construction was the absence of any spoil. It had been carefully scattered in hills miles away. The only communication shelter, which is known, is a two floor deep shelter, with the code "AMT 10".

Over 50 feet underground, the installations consisted of 2 and 3 stories several miles in length and extending like the spokes of a wheel. The entire hull structure was of massive reinforced concrete. Purpose of the installations was to house the High Command after it was bombed out of Berlin. This places also had paneled and carpeted offices, scores of large work and store rooms, tiled bathrooms with bath tubs and showers, flush toilets, electrically equipped kitchens, decorated dining rooms and mess halls, giant refrigerators, extensive sleeping quarters, recreation rooms, separate bars for officers and enlisted personnel, a moving picture theater, and air-conditioning and sewage systems".

Eisenhower &
Patton visiting
Camp Ohrdruf

Former concentration camp inmates also described far more extensive installations, in post-war depositions. So L. Lauffer in his testimonie, parts provided below, who spoke about V-Weapon Factorys. Also Herz Zuckerman describes in his testimonie:

"The camp was near the work site. We had to dig many tunnels and caves in the mountain, to protect projected factorys against Air attacks, and for storage."

In the Jonastal were found only tunnels; no caves.


Some of the Research Results, made in 5 Years, are avaiable here .

These system seem to be related to S III; both are described as FHQ`s and/or V-Weapon factorys; both were not ready, and partially blasted. As the Buildingsite was given up, the prisoners and Slaveworkers were transported to Buchenwald and probable to S III. Large parts of machinery and equipment was transported to " a system near a military training area in Thuringia, which was considerably more advanced" (Testimony of a german Reichsbahn member).
The camp Gross-Rosen (now Rogoznica) was established in August 1940, to provide the DEST (Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke, a SS company) with prisoners and forced labourers. The DEST was working at granite-quarrys near Gross-Rosen. In Spring 1944 started the work to build the FHQ. It consisted of 6 underground systems in an area of 30 qkm, and one systems 25 km away under castle F�rstenstein. These 7 systems were build by 12-13000 prisoners, who lived in several Outcamps of Gross-Rosen. You find here a description of the systems with tunnel-sketches.

Mittelwerk DORA

Produktion of the V1 and the V2 Rocket. The description of the system at the time is only available in german. If you wish to read it, please
german description of DORA

Tunnel Map

Have a look at the page of the Gedenkstaette Mittelbau Dora

A II/Porta Westfalica

Located near Minden, in 1944 Prisoners had to dig tunnels in the Jacobs- and Wittekindberg. These tunnels were used for production of electronic parts for the phillips company. If you like some rare tunnel-photos, made by an allied soldier short after war, Click here

Tunnelsystem, build in an old quarry. Armament project, later ammunition depot. Located in the black forrest, Hasslach, near Offenburg.

Tunnel Map

More about BARBE
Photos: Inside the tunnels
Photos: Outside the tunnels


Located at Kahla/Grosseutersdorf, Thueringen
Following an old mine, an extensive tunnelsystem was build.
Projected for serial production of the Me 262. About 12000 Slaveworkers were working in the tunnels.
More Information about LACHS
Sketches and Photos about *Lachs* are avaiable here

Code Schwalbe

Located in the Hoennevalley, some Kilometers from Neuenrade, Sauerland. In the Quarry *Emil* were build some tunnels, projected for the *Mineraloelsicherungsplan*. There should be produced 240000 Tpy Fuel and 50000 Tpy Planefuel.
The Tunnellength overall is about 3 km. The tunels were buildet by about 500 forced labourers and prisoners.
The sketch can be found in the book:

"Stollen im Fels und �l f�rs Reich" by Kai Olaf Arzinger
ISBN 3-922885-70-5   Hans-Herbert M�nning Verlag Iserlohn

Tunnel Map

Code Pikrit

Located at Kr�lpa-P�ssneck, Thuringia. Partproduction (TL-Gears) for the Me 262.

Tunnel Map


Located at Ueberlingen/Bodensee. 4 km Tunnels were build by 800 prisoners from the CC Dachau. They worked around the clock for 7 month. This place should be used as an underground productionplace for the companys Dornier, Zeppelin and Maybach.

Tunnel Map

Code B II or Malachit
Near Langenstein, Halberstadt. Factory for Junkers (Zittwerke AG). At 25.3.45: 4819 Workers by tunneling, - and 853 by building Airplanes. F�hrungsstab B2; under control of S III. Not build ready.

Tunnel Map

Code B III or Anhydrit
Object with 20 tunnels. Himmelberg between Woffleben and Appenrode. Not build ready, but large parts of the tunnels had been used in February 45 by Henschel AG for planed producing of anti-airplane rockets.

Tunnel Map

Code B XI, Zinnstein, Eber, Kuckuck
It was projected, to build in the Kohnstein on a 251250 qm large aerea several tunnels. One project planed for producing airplanes, another for producing liquid O2. About 4000 prisoners from the camps Ellrich, Dora and Harzungen at work.

Tunnel Map

Code B XII
Kohnstein, Nordhausen. BXII was one of the two from Hitler wanted Giant - Airplanefactorys. It was with planed 600.000 qm the largest Project in Thuringia . The original Codename is unknown. At the end of the war about 25.000 qm were build.
The Tunnels now are used as a mushroom farm.

Code Laura
A few tunnels near Saalfeld. In relation to Saur`s "Jaegerprogram".

These are some of the larger objects; there are a lot of others in the aerea Thuringia, as DORA and other projects around Nordhausen.

Description of some other important underground objects in Austria:

Code Quarz or B IX
Object near Melk, Austria. Planed for underground housing of the factorys Steyr, Daimler-Puch AG and Flugmotorenwerke Ostmark.

Original projected Tunnel-Sketch from 1944
State of the tunnels in 1984


More Information, in german language

Code Zement

Systems A + B near Ebensee, Oesterreich.
A: Projected for movement of the rocket-development Peenemuende and production on trial of twenty A9 (Interconinental-) rockets and 20 Wasserfall (Anti-Airplanerocket).
B: projected for the rocket-testing and housing of a distillationplant.
Total number of incomming prisoners from autumn 43 to spring 1945: 27262

Sketch, Project "A"
Sketch, Project "B"



One of the strangest Weapons during WW II. Special kind of Gun; the barrel had a length of about 124 meters! The weight of this weapon was 76000 kg. Every time, the grenade passed one of 32 intermediarys, a new charge of explosives, stored in the sides of this intermediarys was ignitioned, so that the grenade becomes more and more thrust to an planed end V0 of 1500m/sec. at a range of 160km. Reached were about 1400m/sec. The Fort with the gun was build underground up to a depth of more than 100m, with a guncrew of about 1100 soldiers. The Fort was projected for 25 guns. But better to imagine, if you have a look at a sketch of the Fort.
In July 44 an allied air attack destroyed the Fort with "Tall Boys"; 5.4 ton Bombs. Some photos about Mimoyecques.

Code Richard

A concentration camp was built near Litomerice - the SS-Kommando B-5. 2 - 3000 prisoners were working on the construction. Richard has never been completely finished: only about 1200 crank-shafts and 1500 sets of engine cylinders were ever produced there.... they cost 6000 lifes. You can look at the plan of

Tunnel Map

You find more Information about "Richard", together with photos, at this really good site.
