Serenity's Fantasy Anime
Android 18
Evil science genius created Anroid 18 to destroy the Z fighters on planet Earth. Putting earth at peril, Android 18 has amazing strength and loves to destroy things. Android 18 and her other teenage partner Android 17 are the future threat to the Earth. But with help from the future trunks to warn the Z fighters they are prepared, But not enough. Cell then comes ad sucks up Android 18 and 17 and puts more of a threat to the Z fighters.Cell ends up throwing up Android 18 but not Android 17, Krillan is in love with Android 18 and saves her again from Cell and restores her up at Kame's look out. She is angry because Krillan thinks that because he saved her she should fall to his feet, so as she flys off she see's the Earth's Dragon Shinron appear.She ends up marrying Krillan and having a little girl called Merin. She also fights in the world Martial Arts Tornarment.
Android 18 firing one of her blasts.
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Android 18
My Linked Web Pages:
Serenity's Ice a Nightfall
Tokyo Temple
Sasami Shrine
Final Fantasy Cheats
Moving Gifs
Anime Babes
Things On This Web Page:
Song Words
Dragon Ball Z
Okami-Chans Anime Hot springs
Android 18
Ghost In The Shell
Asuka Langley Soryu
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The Anime Colouring Page
Bubble Gum Crisis
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy Gallery
The Selphie Page!
Burn Up W
Above 18 being spat out by Cell, and just about to be rescued by Krillin.
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