Scorched Earth Mercenaries [S.E.M.]
Airsoft Team
Naples, Florida

About SEM
Field Rules

SEM Forums
SEM Waiver
1.   All participants must fill out liability waivers. If you are under 18 years of age, a team member must witness your parent/ legal guardian signing the waiver.
***If you do not have an adult sign it for you, you will not be allowed to play. ***
   2.   Eye Protection is mandatory; NO EXCEPTIONS! It must be worn at all times on the field, even if you are "dead" or aren't participating in the match.
***Eyewear needs to be at least ANSI Z87.1 certified, or it will not be allowed.***
   3.   Excessive foul language will result in removal from match. Its understandable to occasionally slip and we won't hold that against you, but if it starts to irritate other players, you will be asked to leave.
   4.   Once the game is finished, and "game over" is declared there, players need to put their guns on safety. There is to be no shooting. I think the reasoning is pretty self explanitory. Even though the game may be over, goggles are to remain on at all times while on the playing field.
   5.   Unless otherwise told you must contribute $5.00 everytime you attend a match. This fee covers field fee, refreshments, and occasional meals.
   6.   Please stay and do your part in cleanup after matches. The station tends to get pretty messy. It's easy to forget, but try to help out, as it can be a big job.
   7.   Remember that we are an aspiring team and that we take this very seriously and expect the same from you. This doesn't mean you cant have fun, just keep in mind that these are mil-sim battles. So screaming jokes or other nonsense on the battlefield is annoying, and makes you look very unprofessional.
   8.   Dead men tell no tales. If you are "killed" you can not speak except to announce that you are "dead." You may resume contact with teammates after you respawn. This especially goes for speaking of enemy positions. Nobody likes a cheater, not even your teammates.
   9.   Unless otherwise stated, a hit to any part of you counts as a hit (gun hits do not count). If a bb hits any part of your gear that is attached to you (ie. holster, tac-vest, hat), you are out. There may be instances in which this rule may be adjusted to accomidate the particular game. Ricochet shots do not count. If you think that you may have been hit, but not 100% certain that it was a ricochet then just declare yourself out.
***When in doubt, call it out!*** This helps eliminates any arguments.
***Teamkills (being shot by a teammate) count. If you are shot by a teammate, it is their fault, and your loss!***
   10.   If you are hit you must yell "HIT" and raise your gun in the air. If at any time you are caught cheating, even by a teammate, you are automatically removed from the match. If this continues to happen, you will be asked not to return. Airsoft is an honor game, that is what sets it apart from paintball. If you do not act honorably, you have no place in airsoft.
   11.   It is entirely up to the owner of a gun to loan it out. If owner denies you permission it is final. if owner of gear asks for you to return it do so immediately. If you are borrowing a gun from someone and you are dead, do not let anyone else borrow it without permission. That is for the owner to decide, not you.
   12.   When you are dead, you are not allowed to pass ammuntion, weapons, or information to a teammate. Doing this is considered cheating, and is not acceptable.
   13.   Minimum Engagement distance is 10 feet for any weapon under 400 fps. Any weapons above 400 fps have a 50 foot Minimum Engagement distance.
   14.   If you are within 10 feet of someone, have a clear shot on them, and they do not see you, you can call "Bang Bang" on them. They are then considered killed. No Bang Bangs at extreme distances or when they see you first. You must have a clear shot on them.
   15.   No blindfiring (shooting your gun without seeing where it is shooting). There have been many injuries due to inexperienced players blindfiring. To keep the injuries to a low, there is to be no blindfiring.
The following are the current rules and regulations for any event being held by SEM. The rules are not final and are subject to change (depending on the game). If you do not feel the rules are fair or reasonable, just speak up and we will be happy to clarify.

****Although rules are not final they are enforced and breaking of rules can result in banning from both the site and any future SEM matches!****

**** As of right now, the field fee is $5.00. If you fail to pay this, you are not allowed to play!****
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