'80s Expert Movies & Television Trivia

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  1. Name two band posters in Ferris’s bedroom in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”

  2. Who was the wrestler that appeared in various Cyndi Lauper videos?  

  3. What was the name of Joan Jett's band in Light Of Day?” Bonus: Who was the keyboard player?

  4. What were each of the students in “The Breakfast Club” in detention for? Bonus: In what kind of car was each student brought to detention?

  5. What was the second video played on MTV?

  6. What was the personalized license plate on the Ferrari in “Ferris Bueller's Day Off?” Bonus: What kind of Ferrari was it?

  7. Name two band posters in Samantha’s bedroom in “Sixteen Candles.”

  8. What was the name of “Jessie's Girl” in Rick Springfield's 1981 video?

  9. Where does “The Breakfast Club” take place (school, city, state, zip)?

  10. In “Pretty In Pink” what was the name of the record store where Andie worked?  

  11. In “Fast Times At Ridgemont High,” Damone was busted for scalping tickets to which concert? 

  12. In “Weird Science,” name two band posters on Wyatt's bedroom wall.

  13. Name the actress who was sprawled all over the car in the video for Whitesnake's 1987 hit “Here I Go Again.” What kind of car was it? 

  14. Name the actress who danced with Bruce Springsteen in his 1984 “Dancing In The Dark” video.  

  15. What song did Tom Cruise listen to while dancing in his underwear in the 1983 movie “Risky Business?”

  16. What singer made a cameo appearance in the 1985 movie “Back To The Future?” 

  17. In “Back To The Future,” what was the name of the local mall in each time period?

  18. In “Say Anything,” what was the one thing Diane told everyone in her graduating class during her speech after glimpsing into the future?

  19. Name the band that made a cameo appearance in the dream sequence in the 1980 Olivia Newton-John movie “Xanadu.” 

  20. What character did Rick Springfield play on the television daily drama “General Hospital?” Bonus: What other singer from the ‘80s also had a role on the same show? What was his character? What was his hit song in the ‘80s?

  21. What was the name of the taxi company on the television series “Taxi?”

  22. Name 3 of the 5 original MTV VJs. Bonus: Who was the first to appear on MTV and what were the first words spoken on the air?

  23. Who shot JR? 

  24. In “Back To The Future,” what kind of car was equipped for time travel? Bonus: What speed did Marty have to reach in order to activate the flux capacitor?

  25. Name the movie which contained the following lines:

a) Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.
b) Screws fall out all of the time - the world's an imperfect place.
c) Blane? His name is Blane? That's not a name, that's a major appliance.
d) Not that I condone fascism, or any ism for that matter. Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism - he should believe in himself.
e) After you've finished your nap and get that trunk upstairs, I guess you could jump down, turn around, pick a bail of cotton; and see that Miss Scarlet stays away from the Union army.
f) Earthquakes and volcanoes, dead rising from the grave, human sacrifices, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!
g) And these children that you spit on, as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they're going through.
h) I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen.
i) Marriage was created for people who were able to make it to 25 without being eaten by dinosaurs, marriage is obsolete.
j) What's the matter, Colonel Sanders...chicken?
k) Badgers? Badgers? We don't need no steenking badgers!
l) How would you like a nice greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray?
m) Never rub another man's rhubarb.
n) Surely you can't be serious! I am serious and don't call me Shirley.
  1. What was Corporal Klinger's hometown baseball team on M*A*S*H?

  2. In Knight Rider, what does "K.I.T.T." stand for?

  3. Who were Turbo and Ozone?

  4. What was the name of the bar frequented by the roommates of "Three's Company?"

  5. What was the McDonald's Sandwich that "keeps the hot hot and the cold cold?" 

  6. Name three characters from "What's Happening!!"

  7. What were the names of the four ghosts in Pac-Man?

  8. What are the rules for keeping a Gremlin?

  9. What is the name of the cartoon the Fat Albert gang always watched?


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