Contact Me
Confessions of a Mad Woman

Random Fun Online
~Just a few quizzes I've found
~My online doll maker
~The Excuse Maker
~The Biblical Curse Generator
~The Random theory Generator
~Domain Name Generator
~Essay Generator
~Graffiti Creator
~ACME License Maker
~Stor Troopers
~Avatar Generator  

My Blinkie Obsession!
~Page 1
~Page 2
~Page 3
~Page 4
~Page 5

~Page 6

Mental Illness
~My son's story
~My story (not available yet)

My Favorite Educational Links
~Positive Behavior Support
~LD Online
~National Down Syndrome Society
~Born to Explore
~National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
~Home Schooling Special Ed.
~Teaching Highly Distractible Children
~Yesterday's Child
~Zone ADD
~Teacher Worksheets
~Council for Exceptional Children
~Classrooms that work
~Clipart for Schools
~ERIC Clearinghouse
~Gentle Teaching
~NCAM Cornerstones

~SchoolHouse Technologies

Teacher Newsletters
~Education Week
~CEC Smartbrief

Weight Loss Helpers

My Weight Loss Journey
~June 2006
~May 2006
~April 2006
~March 2006
~February 2006
~January 2006
~October 2005
~September 2005
~July 2005
~June 2005
~May 2005
~April 2005

Misc. Stuff
~Some causes I believe in
~Book reviews
~Make money at home


Ok so here's just a few blinkies that I have...I'm still working on getting them all up :)

I have tried to link each blinkie to where I got it from. A few of my blinkies didn't required a link back to the site but I did try to link most of them. If you see one of your blinkies and it's not linked but it's supposed to be (or you'd just like me to link it) just send me an email and I'll be happy to add your link. Mistakes happen, so please forgive me if your blinkie is here and not linked, it was not intentional and I am more than happy to fix it. :o)

Ok, my blinkie pages need time to load because they are very graphic intensive.  I have over 300 blinkies here.  Also, these page are best viewed in full screen.

Remember Do Not direct link.  If you like a blinkie then just click it and it will take you to the page where I got it from to download it!

Hey, I found an online blinkie maker!!!  Star-Girl.org's Mega Blinkie Maker! Click here to check it out!

Sorry for the mess right now, I'm working on organizing these blinkies so they are more readable.  I'll probably even spread them out on separate pages since I just downloaded about 100 more tonight rofl.

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