Meditations on the Abyss

So. Here we are.

The last episode of seaWolf was released over 18 months ago - and that only after a delay of 18 months. I wish I could say that the next one will be out soon, but the simple fact is that I don't know when the next episode will be out.

The first six episodes of seaWolf were sort of written in a blur of creative energy, along with snippets from about half a dozen more, and the general episode ideas for the whole series, as well as three spin-offs (crazy, I know, but when my brain gets ideas, it tends to run with them).

Sometime in November 2003, I had what could only be described as complete and total creative burnout. Whilst trying to work out the next episode of seaWolf, work on a new Star Trek project, and generally deal with the stresses of a four-year Astrophysics course, coupled with a pretty persistent illness, all my creativity just... disappeared. And it looks like it might be for good.

So, where does that leave seaWolf? Well, in that creative black hole, to be honest. It pleases me to still see people accessing the site - whether for the first time, or recurring visitors, just to see if there may be something new.

And what will become of the series? Well, I have an idea. Whilst it's extremely unlikely that I will be writing any new scripts in the near future, it's possible I can still tell the story of the Excalibur. As I said, I have down what happens in every episode of the series, and how the various arcs will proceed over the five years. So, what I might do is write a series of overviews of each season, with any completed scripts or parts of scripts included or linked, as well as various snippets of dialogue that have been lodged in my brain for the past three or four years...

Now, this may not come about for another month or so, until Easter time, but I'll put in every effort to get it done. And, maybe one of these days, the full episodes can be released...

What else? Well, for the last little while, I've been trying to write a comprehensive history of the Macronesian Alliance in the seaWolf universe, detailing some of the incidents you hear about briefly in places like the history section, and the personnel files. I'm up to 2032, and will keep trying to add more, so that may spring up at the same time.

If there's anything in particular you would like me to try and work on - specific tech specs or personnel files, expansion on a certain point in seaWolf history - feel free to drop me a line. If it's doable, I will try my best to get it done.

Also, I may introduce you to some of those spin-off ideas I had - including Academy, seaQuest 2050 and seaWolf: Project Atlantis.

So, call this a statement of intent, if you will. seaWolf is not dead and buried, but it's certainly not going to work out quite as I had planned.

Thank you all for your support, and I hope to be back here again soon.

Michael M. Warren
Creator/Executive Producer, seaWolf ASV

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