seaWolf ASV Logo

"Ten years ago, Captain Nathan Bridger and the crew of seaQuest returned.
And for ten years, we've been fighting to protect the planet."

Now, one ship and one crew will stand in the face of all-out war...

Site updates and seaQuest-related news - updated April 27, 2005
About About
The story behind the series - fictional and real
The saga in full
The sweeping music and images that accompany the series
The crew of the Excalibur: their friends, their allies� and their enemies.
UEO Technical Database - specs and stats on the ships of seaWolf ASV
There are other sites beyond this...
The New Cape Quest forums - our 'base of operations' for the continuing survival of seaQuest...

Broken links? Comments? Questions? E-mail me @ [email protected]

(Webmaster's note: This site uses a great deal of 'image browsing', ie, images that act as links. These mostly do not have borders, so if it appears as if you're in an area with no clear links, check the pictures, particularly those at the bottom of pages, which are usually tiered links (one to the previous level, one to the main page))
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