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About Me

I am an artist that is inspired by many things in life. I started out seeking a degree in Microbiology which I hoped to advance into a Masters in Virology.
I started working in my teen years as a microbiology and biology tutor at a local college.
I was born with a lot of health issues that peaked in my teens and worsened
in my early 20's, forcing me to reassess my career path.
I had always been an artist and photographer and used my art
and photography often for illustrating concepts I tutored but never considered
that I could put my art to use in a career.
It took some time for me to hone my skills and further develop my style
considering I, under pressure, "gave up" art in favor of science.
I have always had an obsession with things that fluoresce and phosphoresce.

If you like my style and would like something interesting created for your needs,
fill out the Commission Form (found under "Contact and Information")
and contact me and we can see if we can work something out!

Note: Not all commissions will be accepted. It depends on if I feel I fit your needs and other factors, thus the requirement of filling out the Commission Form before
discussing further matters like price and deadlines, which will be updated on the form if accepted.
The details of the artwork, which should be filled out with your preferences about the commission,
are also subject to change depending on what should be realistically expected/what would work best.


I greatly enjoy doing colorful artworks, especially ones that will glow under UV/blacklight.
My subject matter is often horror inspired or is a form of art therapy, expressing feelings towards my physical problems.
I also find inspiration from my knowledge of biology and nature as well as other humans.
I really enjoy observing people and learning about them, even the simple things about them may draw me in and inspire a new piece.

Have a Question/Comment/Commission Form to Turn in?



Check out my resume
