SINGAPORE: Singapore singers Sylvia Ratonel and Hady Mirza are no strangers to the stage.

After all, you don't become two of the best singers to grace "Singapore Idol" by shying away from the stage.

But both Ratonel and Mirza said their next gig will really test their mettle – the two talented singers will make their stage debut playing Jasmine Neo and Aladdin respectively, in Singapore theatre company W!ld Rice's upcoming pantomime "Aladdin".

"I've performed as a singer but theatre is really something new to me!

"It is probably like a 100 times bigger and involves a lot more body movements and expression and it is a collaborated effort from the entire cast," said Mirza enthusiastically.

"It certainly is a challenge and I relish it because of the amount of knowledge and experience that I gained from being a part of this.

"Things seem to move really quickly so I have to be constantly on high alert!"

"Plus, a great deal of brain cells are required to memorize all the scenes and lines ... trust me!" said the "Singapore Idol" 2006 winner.

Still, Mirza expressed that he is enjoying every moment of it, even the gruelling rehearsals.

"It's tiring but really fun! In fact, I look forward to every rehearsal. The only problem is the songs and lines remained stuck in my head all night!" said the strapping 31-year-old.

Fellow "Singapore Idol" alumnus Sylvia Ratonel shared Mirza's delight.

"It's been so much fun and I'm learning so much from the rehearsals!

"And this being a pantomime, we work with kids as well and it's been so much fun rehearsing with them for the choreography.

"The cast has been superb and really helpful! I cannot wait for the show to start," Ratonel gushed.

"I've discovered my new-found passion for acting as well now!"

Apart from a new pair of leads, "Aladdin" director Glen Goei says the pantomime will also feature a brand new story.

"This is not a re-staging but a totally brand new production with a brand new script by Jonathan Lim, so expect something very contemporary with a lot of cheeky references to popular culture," said Goei.

"The old 'Arabian nights' story is also now firmly set in this part of the world with a lot of Asian flavour. And other than a brand new script, we are also using familiar favourite sing-a-long songs which range from the 60s right through to the current day."

"There is even a tribute to Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson!"

Also starring stage veterans Darius Tan, Karen Tan, Juwanda Hassim and Jo Tan, "Aladdin" will run from November 24 to December 17 at the Drama Centre Theatre.
