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Scottys Matches


EPW: 20th Septmber 2002
Scotty Hexx vs Dan De Soto - Lost to the D.K.O

E.P.W: 9th November 2002
Hardcore Tag Team Match
Scotty Hexx & Cameron Knite vs Karl Harker & Paul Parisio - Won with a powerbomb neckbrecker variation

UKWA Skoolz Out: 1st December 2002
The Boogie Knights vs Kev'O Niel & Morralas - Won when Travis hit a cross body off Scottys shoulders
Survivor Series Match
Phoenix Knites vs The Coalition -Won When Cameron hit the Swanton bomb and was the sole survivor

RBW: 8th Febuary 2003

The Boogie Knights & Phoenix-Stealth vs Cameron Knite,Will Assault & Radik Ananko - Won with the One Hit Wonder

UKWA: 15th Febuary 2003
UKWA Tag Team Title Match
The Boogie Knites vs The Urban Gorrilaz - Won when Trav hit a springboard moonsault

UKWA When Worlds Collide: 8th March 2003
UKWA Tag Team Title Match
The Boogie Knights vs The Urban Gorillaz -Lost when Rainz pinned Travis

UKWA Bar Room Brawl: 23rd March 2003
The Boogie Knights vs The Brit Pack - Lost When Travis was pinned with a fisherman suplex

UKWA Fighting Chance: 11th May 2003
Scotty Hexx vs Radik Ananko - Won with the Hexxecution

RBW Charity Show:15th June 2003
Scotty Hexx vs Will Endounded - Won with the Hexxecution

UKWA Bar Room Brawl:25th July 2003
Scotty Hexx vs JC Thunder - Lost to The Thunder Bolt

UKWA Northwest Wrestlefeast: 3rd August 2003

Scotty Hexx vs Romeo Valintine - Lost to a standing shooting star press

GPW:Second Comming: 24th August 2003
Scotty Hexx vs Cameron Knite - Won with the Hexxecution

UKWA 7 Deadly Sins:26th Septemeber 2003
Falls count anywhere
Scotty Hexx vs "Popstar" Kris Travis - Lost to a shooting star thoguh a table

BRAWL:11th October 2003
Scotty Hexx vs Blue Ice - Won when Camaeron Knite intefered and hit the kniterider

GPW Nemisis: November 2004
Six way elimination
Scotty Hexx vs Cameron Knite vs Kris Travis vs El Ligero vs JC Thunder vs Spud - Lost JC Thunder wins pining Cameron Knite last off

GPW Renewed Hatred: January 2004
Scotty Hexx,Kris Travis,Joey Hayes and Minx vs Damage Control,Decoy and Dave Rayne - Lost when Joey was pinned after a sneak atack

GPW: 29th January 2004

Scotty Hexx and Kris Travis vs JC Thunder and El Ligero - Won when Trav hit seein stars on El Ligero

GPW Hold The Line Tour: 6th March

Scotty Hexx,Kris Travis and Jack Hazard vs Pain Inc and Mike Hughes - Lost when Scotty was hit with a pumphandle powerbomb from Mike Hughes

GPW Hold The Line Tour: 7th March

4 way dance
Scotty Hexx vs Kris Travis vs Cameron Knite vs Jack Hazard - Lost when Jack Hazard hit Air Hazard on Kris Travis

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