The Background History of Elandar's Planet

(This page is for the DM of an Elandar campaign only; players should not read this without DM permission.)


Unbeknownst to all of the races, the continent they know as Elandar is not their original homeland.  Furthermore, all of the races share a common evolutionary origin which they lack the scientific knowledge to notice or understand.  Three million years ago, a biological branch of primates developed in the mountain valleys of the Western Continent.  Although all the species developed from this common river-primate ancestor, they quickly diverged into radically varied forms--some tall and slender, some large and bulky, some short and spry, some compact but muscular.  These varied hominid species also adapted to life in specific terrains--some to hills and mountains, some to plains and grasslands, others to forests and vales.  This diversification all took place under the guidance of a vast extraterrestrial intelligence, later known to the races of Elandar as Irda (The One).

Secret War in the Heavens

Once this evolutionary path was set, this cosmic intelligence never again directly interfered with it.  Rather, The One observed its natural development, watching the expansion of the humanoids species across the planet's land masses and the rise of humanoid cultures.  When one of the species (the elves) developed sentience great enough to perceive his presence and construct a religion around him, The One forever withdrew the presence of his intelligence from Elandar and turned his attention to other parts of the cosmos.  However, The One did not close off all portals between the material universe on Elandar's planet and the other dimensions through which his intelligence had passed.  As a result, around 50,000 years before the "awakening" of the elves the Celestials of the Planes of Good became interested in Elandar, receiving the permission of The One to watch over the world in his place.  Most elves as well as the human Plainsmen sensed this subtle shift in power, incorporating the veneration of the Simmhi into their religions.  Other races did not adapt their religions to the Celestials, instead remaining attuned to the residual power left behind in their world by the original presence of the The One.

However, the involvement of the Celestials in the affairs of Elandar's planet attracted the attention of evil entities from the Abyssal and Infernal Planes.  Even though the Celestials rarely made their presence directly felt by the mortal inhabitants of the planet, their indirect involvement was enough to provoke incursions by the Outsiders of the Abyss and Baator.  For eons, though, the Celestials easily checked impositions from the evil Outsiders.  The Tanar'ri and Baatezu dark lords did manage to corrupt the more savage humanoid species, warping their behavior and appearance (orcs, goblinoids, and giants all took on their current characteristics because of evil Outsider interference), but the Celestials prevented the evil Outsiders from having much effect among the humans, gnomes, halflings, and elves.  (An exception is the Drow, who were corrupted by the Bebilith demons and are thus not part of the Tanar'ri sphere of influence.)  Competition over the dwarves was particularly intense, resulting in the strange compromise between good and evil in the dwarven religion.  Then, after thousands of years of interdimensional warfare between the Planes of Good, the Abyss, and Baator for control of the material-plane nexus connecting with Elandar's planet, the evil Outsiders achieved their greatest success.  One of the Baatezu erinyes joined forces with a Tanar'ri succubus to corrupt a faction of high-elf clerics.  Posing as Morda, the dark shadow of the omnipotent intelligence of The One, they tempted these clerics with their evil power and sparked the Mordari War of 1221.  The Celestials boldly attempted to combat this interference, but it was too late--over the next thousand years, the worship of Morda would spread among most of the races of savage humanoids already corrupted by the evil Outsiders.  By the time of the arrival of the "Sea People" in Elandar, the Celestials began dedicating their power merely to keeping any more Outsiders from reaching Elandar's planet.  The darkness already in the world continued to spread on its own.

The Z'Hann Dynasty is only the latest repercussion of the ancient Abyssal and Infernal influence in Elandar.  Although eons ago the Celestials successfully prevented the Tanari'ri and Baatezu from having much effect on the human species, shortly after the Plainsmen settled in the continent of Elandar the evil Outsiders did manage to crossbreed some corrupted humans with evil dragons.  The Celestials destroyed most half-dragons, but a handful survived in secret and mixed with the rest of the species.  Throughout the Age of Strife, those carrying the genes of the half-dragons eventually produced a family of unnaturally potent sorcerers.  Only the females of this lineage bore the half-dragon genes, and through mystical communion with Baator and the Abyss they learned of their draconic origin.  Guided indirectly by Baatezu (prevented from direct involvement by the Celestials), the Z'Hann lineage married into the Hycarean ruling dynasty of Maladorn and eventually seized control of the settlement.  The Infernal lords hope Maladorn will be the route to their ultimate conquest of Elandar's world, although the Tanar'ri lords (who have been suffering the brunt of Celestial attacks) jealously plot to subvert the Infernal plan and ravage Elandar for themselves.  The Z'Hann Dynasty of sorceresses are merely pawns in this secret battle between evil Outsiders.

The Final Prophecy has grown out of the final message the Celestials gave to their allies in the Unseelie Court of Greenwood before withdrawing from direct involvement in Elandar.  They promised they would forever fight against the dark forces and prevent them from forging an evil "third empire" in the world.  When the Fairy-Queen of the Wood Elves shared this message with the Gulf Elves, it was misconstrued as a warning that a "third empire" was destined.  As this misinterpretation spread across Elandar over the next millennium, knowledge of its origin was lost and it took on the form of a mysterious prophecy.

Origins and Expansion

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the land masses of Elandar's planet were all connected together into a super continent.  Throughout later eons, they drifted far apart.  However, in the era when they were joined together, a considerable amount of animal and plant life spread to every corner of the land.  So by the time sentient species developed, the bulk of the mundane flora and fauna could be found in every part of Elandar's planet.

Around one hundred thousand years ago, when the divine intelligence of The One was still present in the world, the varied humanoid species began to spread out from their point of origin.  First to migrate were the elves, who dwelled along the coasts.  Developing the skill of seafaring first among all humanoids, they sailed across the Great Middle Sea to Elandar.  The first wave settled deep in the central forests, evolving over time into the Wood Elves of Greenwood and the Wild Elves and Drow Elves of Darkwood; the second wave settled along what came to be known as the Gulf of Elan-Nar, becoming the High Elves.  Over thousands of years, these elves (who had not yet "awakened" to the ability to keep written records) forgot their distant origins and claimed Elandar as their homeland.  Then, approximately 30,000 years before the "awakening" of the elves, Elandar's planet was swept by a rare Ice Age.  A massive glacial sheet extending south nearly to the equator connected the Western Continent to Elandar through the islands that would one day become the Hycarean Homelands.  It was across this "land bridge" that the Hill Dwarves, Rock Gnomes, and Lightfoot Halflings would migrate, followed by the savage humanoids (orcs, goblinoids, and some giant breeds) as well as the race of humans who would come to be known as the Plainsmen.  Eventually, around 10,000 years before the "awakening" of the elves, the Ice Age came to a close, the glacial sheet retreated, and only the three small islands were left between the two great continents.  Like the elves before them, these later immigrants forgot their ancient origins and came to consider Elandar their native home.

After the close of the Ice Age, other species remaining in the Western Continent learned the skill of seafaring.  From the far south of the Western Continent, the sentient reptillian kobolds built primitive boats and sailed to Elandar, settling throughout the northern mountains as long ago as 5,000 years before the "awakening" of the elves.  The most famous ancient mariners, however, are the Hycareans, the humans who sailed to the three islands in the Great Middle Sea and made them their native homeland for countless generations; it would only be after a devastating drought around the Year 1700 that the Hycarean tribes would begin their epic journey to Elandar.  Unlike the other races, the Hycarean-speaking humans have never considered themselves native to Elandar--they have always known their native lands lay to the west across the sea.  Also sometime after the Year 1700, breeds of giantfolk who did not cross the land bridge during the Ice Age took to the seas in gigantic rowing ships, conquering the Isle of Drakir.  In later decades, these conquering giants would command the construction of Ur-Gul.  The Southmen, too, are ancient mariners.  During the Ice Age they traveled the same route as the Plainsmen, at first passing through Elandar to settle their own isle off the southern coast; only shortly after the arrival of the Sea Peoples did they return in small numbers to settle in the Desert Coast.  Most of their ethnic stock (fully ten-times their population in Elandar itself) still resides in their southern home island, similar in climate (if rather more fertile and bountiful) to the Desert Coast.

Elandar's Natives

Although all of the races (except the Hycareans) earnestly believe they are native to Elandar, they are not.  Elandar does have some indigenous intelligent life, most notably dragons and their kin (the oldest descendants of long-extinct giant reptillian beasts).  Lizardfolk, themselves descended from primitive dragon kin, are native as well.  Furthermore, most of the evil  monstrous humanoids are technically native to Elandar, having been spawned there thousands of years ago by the Tanar'ri or Baatezu from the corrupted sentient races settled in Elandar.  Also, the fey folk and the centaurs of the Greenwood are technically native to Elandar, having been created there from wood-elf stock three thousand years ago by the Celestials in an attempt to counter the spread of the evil  monstrous humanoids.

The Lost Continent

The Western Continent is completely unknown to virtually every creature in Elandar.  Despite the fact that almost all of the species originated in the west, they have long forgotten their distant beginnings tens of thousands of years ago.  Even the long-lived elves had forgotten the existence of the Western Continent by the time they "awakened" to writing in what they would come to call Year 1 of their historical calendar.  The Hycarean-speaking humans know there is a land somewhere to the west, but they too have long forgotten what it was like or where it is located.  The Hycareans of Elandar could not find their way back to their homelands even if they desired to do so.  Only the largest and most powerful winged dragons (themselves very secretive and few in number) have flown across the Great Middle Sea and seen the Western Continent, information they are not likely to share with anyone else.

The Western Continent is not abandoned.  Not every tribe and clan among the ancient species migrated to the east tens of thousands of years ago.  Clans of elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, humans, and savage humanoids in every variety remain in the Western Continent, evolving their own unique cultures, societies, and ways of life.  Especially in the northern half of the continent across the Great Pass separating it from the Southlands, complex cultures are developing.  The specialized breeds of dwarves, gnomes, and halflings can be found there, along with the aloof Gray Elves.  But some groups of humanoids still remain south of the Great Pass, never having migrated from their species' point of origin.  The humanoids of the Southland Valleys tend to be very primitive, still living their species' original tribal lifestyle; they are also swarthy in appearance, adapted to living in the tropical, equatorial environment.

Dragons and lizardfolk are indigenous only to Elandar; they never evolved in the Western Continent.  However, the prehistoric reptillian beasts (known on Earth as dinosaurs) which roamed the super continent back when all of the land masses were joined together never died out in the Southland Valleys of the Western Continent.  The giant reptillians became extinct in Elandar millions of years ago, and their only surviving descendants are the dragon kin and lizardfolk.  They became extinct north of the Great Pass millions of years ago as well, but they live on in the Southlands (where the kobolds evolved from them).  The few primitive humanoids still living in the Southland Valleys have adapted to sharing an environment with such dangerous beasts.

Names of the Celestials, Demons, and Devils

The people of Elandar have from time-to-time encountered Outsiders (usually through indirect communion but occasionally more directly eons ago).  The last people to have any direct interaction with the Celestials are the Wood Elves, and even that was over one thousand years ago.  Since then, the Celestials have successfully prevented the evil Outsiders from forcing their way directly into the world.  Only divine communion (holy or unholy) has since then permitted some indirect communication.  Thus, the people of Elandar do not know the names by which the Outsiders refer to themselves.  Instead, they refer to these mysterious forces usually by elven names.

Simmhi ("Spirits"; Simmha is the elven singular)

Lantern Archons are called Simmha-Kel ("Light Spirit")
Hound Archons are called Simmha-Kur ("Wolf Spirit")
Avorals are called Simmha-Pri ("Bird Spirit")
Ghaeles are called Simmha-Nui ("Our Spirit")
Planetars are called Simmha-Kai ("Sky Spirit")
Solars are called Simmha-Rei ("Sun Spirit")

(Trumpet Archons and Astral Devas are unknown to the people of Elandar.)

Mordriri ("Shadows"; Mordrira is the elven singular)

Succubi are called Mordrira-Nym ("Beautiful Shadow")
Bebilith are called Mordrira-Dri ("Spider Shadow"; known to the Drow Elves only)
Balors are called Mordrira-Durlar ("Shadow Lord")

Imps are called Mordrira-Bir ("Bat Shadow")
Erinyes are called Mordrira-Senra ("Seducer Shadow")
Pit Fiends are called Mordrira-Kenra ("Shadow Conqueror")

(Other demons and devils are unknown to the people of Elandar.)

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