Middle Earth:  Creatures


Orcs (Uruk)



Reaction Score

Ordinary / 1

Ordinary / 2

Action Check

12+ / 11 / 5 / 2 (1 action)

13+ / 12 / 6 / 3 (2 actions)


sprint 20 / run 12 / walk 4

sprint 22 / run 14 / walk 4


8 / 8 / 4 / 4

10 / 10 / 5 / 5


Hide armor; Shield

Mail armor; Helm; Shield


Short bow

Scimitar or Spear

Fangs (d4+2s/d4+1w/d4+3w LI/O)

Long bow

Broad sword (+1 damage)

Fangs (d4+2s/d4+1w/d4+3w LI/O)

Ability Scores

STR 10 / DEX 11 / CON 8

INT 6 / WIL 5 / PER 6

STR 12 / DEX 11 / CON 10

INT 8 / WIL 7 / PER 6


Armor Operation (Rank 1d4-1)

Athletics (Rank 1d4-1)

Melee Weapons (Rank 1d4-1)

Ranged Weapons (Rank 1d4-1)

Unarmed Attack (Rank 1d4-1)

Stamina-endurance (Rank 1d4)

Awareness (broad skill only)

Resolve (broad skill only)

Interaction (broad skill only)

Leadership (for goblin chiefs)

Armor Operation (Rank 1d4+1)

Athletics (Rank 1d4-1)

Melee Weapons (Rank 1d4+1)

Ranged Weapons (Rank 1d4+1)

Unarmed Attack (Rank 1d4+1)

Stamina-endurance (Rank 1d4)

Awareness (Rank 1d4-1)

Resolve (Rank 1d4-1)

Interaction (broad skill only)

Leadership (for orc captains)


Yrch is the Sindarin name for the Uruk (Black Speech). They were
called Goblins in Mannish tongues.

Common in Mirkwood, the Misty Mountains, and the far north, orcs were weakened in sunlight.  Orc weapons were often poisoned

(necrotoxin, insinuative; onset 1

minute, duration 1 hour)

The Uruk-hai were specially bred

by Sauron in the Third Age.  They

were larger, smarter, and braver

than the old breed, and could

withstand the sun.  They tended to use better weapons than Goblins.


Trolls (Tereg)

Stone Troll


Reaction Score

Marginal / 2

Ordinary / 3

Action Check

9+ / 8 / 4 / 2 (2 actions)

11+ / 10 / 5 / 2 (3 actions)


Sprint 22 / run 14 / walk 4

sprint 26 / run 16 / walk 6


16 / 16 / 8 / 8

16 / 16 / 8 / 8


d6+1/d6-1/d4 (Good toughness)

d6+1/d6-1/d4 (Good toughness)


Claw (d6+1s/d4+1w/d6+2w LI/O)

Club or Spear (+3 damage)

Claw (d6+1s/d4+1w/d6+2w LI/O)

Club or Spear (+3 damage)

Ability Scores

STR 16 / DEX 6 / CON 16

INT 5 / WIL 6 / PER 4

STR 16 / DEX 8 / CON 16

INT 7 / WIL 8 / PER 6


Athletics (Rank 1d4-1)

Unarmed Attack (Rank 1d4-1)

Stamina (Rank 1d4-1)

Awareness (broad skill only)

Resolve (broad only)

Interaction/Deception (broad only)

Athletics (Rank 1d4+1)

Unarmed Attack (Rank 1d4+1)

Stamina (Rank 1d4+1)

Awareness (broad skill only)

Resolve (Rank 1d4)

Interaction/Deception (broad only)


Stone trolls were common in the

far north of Eriador since Morgoth

began breeding them at the end of

the First Age.  They would turn to

stone if exposed to sunlight.

The Olog-hai were specially bred

by Sauron at the end of the Third

Age.  They were braver and more

agile than the older breed, and they could withstand the sun.





Reaction Score

Ordinary / 1

Good / 2

Action Check

11+ / 10 / 5 / 2 (1 action)

16+ / 15 / 7 / 3 (2 actions)


sprint 24 / run 16 / walk 6

sprint 24 / run 16 / walk 6


12 / 12 / 6 (no Fatigue)

12 / 12 / 6 (no Fatigue)



Light helmet



Morgul Dagger and Broad sword

Ability Scores

STR 12 / DEX 12 / CON 12
INT 3 / WIL 3 / PER 3

STR 12 / DEX 12 / CON 12

INT 12 / WIL 8 / PER 8


any combat skill at Rank 1

any at Rank 4 or better (1d6+3)

Sorcery-Rank 9 (Witch-King)


Found in northern Eriador, wights were corpses of long-dead Edain reanimated by evil spirits. Immune to normal weapons, they could be hurt only by fire, by the sun, and by magic weapons and spells. They could not communicate with the living by normal means. Attacks by wights inflict normal damage based on the weapon, and they also force the victim to make a Stamina-endurance check or take 1 point of Fatigue damage.

The Nine Nazgul were immortal

so long as Sauron lived.  Immune

to normal weapons, they could be

hurt only by enchanted weapons, magic, and fire, and even then were only dispersed for a time until reformed by the power of Sauron.  Ring-wraiths only see the invisible spirit world, but they can sense movement and smell the living.  Nazgul suffer a +2 penalty on Interaction checks dealing with any of the Free Peoples.





Reaction Score

Ordinary / 2

Good / 2

Action Check

14+ / 13 / 6 / 3 (2 actions)

15+ / 14 / 7 / 3 (2 actions)


sprint 56 / run 36 / walk 10

sprint 60 / run 36 / walk 12


9 / 9 / 5 / 5

10 / 10 / 5 (no Fatigue)


d4-1 / none / none

d4 / d4-1 / none


Bite (d6s/d4w/d4+2w LI/O)
Attack Score: 13 / 6 / 3

Bite (d6s/d4w/d4+2w LI/O)

Attack Score:  14 / 7 / 3

Ability Scores

STR 11 / DEX 11 / CON 9
INT 3 (11) / WIL 12 / PER 3 (11)

STR 12 / DEX 12 / CON 10

INT 6 (12) / WIL 12 / PER 6 (12)


Stealth-shadow (Rank 1)
Movement-race (Rank 1)
Stamina-endurance (Rank 3)
Awareness-intuition (Rank 3)
Awareness-perception (Rank 1)
Investigate-track (Rank 4)
Resolve-physical (Rank 1)

Stealth-shadow (Rank 1)

Movement-race (Rank 1)

Stamina-endurance (Rank 3)


Awareness-intuition (Rank 3)

Awareness-perception (Rank 1)

Investigate-track (Rank 4)

Resolve-both (Rank 1)


Common all throughout the wild lands of Middle Earth, the wolves of Mirkwood, Mordor, and lands in between were often under the influence of Sauron. Especially if
controlled by Sauron, wolves were tenacious pack attackers.

Wargs were actually evil spirits

who shape-shifted into wolf form

at night (they vanished at sunrise).

While in wolf form, they can be harmed normally (though their corpses vanished at dawn).  Goblin wolf-riders rode upon wargs.



Giant Spider


Reaction Score

Good / 2

Ordinary / 3

Action Check

17+ / 16 / 8 / 4 (2 actions)

11+ / 10 / 5 / 2 (3 actions)


run 50 / walk 10 / jump 10

sprint 50 / run 30 / walk 16 / fly 60


8 / 8 / 4 / 4

20 / 20 / 10 / 10


d4+1 / d4-2 / d4-2

d6+2/d4+1/d6+1 Good toughness


Bite (d4-1s/d4+1s/d4w LI/O)
Attack Score: 14 / 7 /3

Bite (2d6w/d4+1m/d6+2m LI/G)
Claw (d4+3w/d6+4w/d4m LI/G)
Tail (d8s/d12s/d6w LI/G)
Attack Score: 24 / 12 / 6

Ability Scores

STR 9 / DEX 15 / CON 8
INT 4 / WIL 10 / PER 3

STR 20 / DEX 4 / CON 20
INT 11 / WIL 11 / PER 5


Athletics-climb (Rank 9)
Athletics-jump (Rank 7)
Stealth-hide (Rank 3)
Stealth-sneak (Rank 1)
Stamina-endurance (Rank 4)
Awareness-intuition (Rank 2)
Resolve (broad skill only)

Athletics (Rank 1)
Stamina-endurance (Rank 1)
Acrobatics-flight (Rank 8)
Investigate-search (Rank 4)
Investigate-track (Rank 4)
Resolve-physical (Rank 1)
Resolve-mental (Rank 1)
Deception (any, up to Rank 4)
Interaction (broad skill only)


Giant spiders were common all across Mirkwood, growing more common as Sauron’s power increased. Their bite is poisonous (insinuative paralytic, onset 2 rounds, duration 2 hours, +2 penalty on CON feat check).

Certain unique spiders (Ungoliant, Shelob) are even larger, smarter, and more deadly.

The Great Wyrms (dragons) were found in the mountains of the far north (Withered Heath). The scales of a dragon are Good toughness, although a "called shot" to a vulnerable area (where scales are missing, for example) can reduce the toughness to Ordinary.

Dragons are foul-tempered and quarrel even among each other.

Dragon’s breath: Breathing fire (En/O) requires one action, and it can be used only once every other round. The attack requires a Strength feat check and is treated as a "grenade" in terms of effect (Player’s Handbook, page 57). Short range (no penalty) is a number of meters equal to the Strength score; medium range (+1 penalty) is twice the Strength score; long range (+2 penalty) is four-times the Strength score. Targets within a 2-meter radius from the blast point suffer Amazing damage (d4+4w), Good damage (d4+3w) within a radius up to 4 meters, and Ordinary damage (d4+1w) within a radius up to 6 meters. Any one caught in the blast may choose to "hit the deck" (Gamemaster Guide, page 47) and make an Acrobatics-dodge check to degrade the damage one step, but this costs the character’s next available action.

Other Creatures Mentioned in Tolkien’s Works: cold drakes (do not breathe fire); giants (one-headed and two-headed); great eagles (and other giant birds of prey); mumakil (oliphaunts); werewolves and vampires (in The Silmarillion); “hill” and “cave” trolls.

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